Help! Swollen Catlyx or Hermie?


Well-Known Member
Ive been able to pick those off, if they are down low and still get some seedless if they are not over whelming. Ive also had a hermie pollinate my green crack, needless to say I love my strains, ground up two pounds of GC just to keep the seeds, ALL of them have been female with no hermie issues. GL
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Well-Known Member
Not sure about you guys but being old :( I have over the years smoked some pot that was pretty good and full of seeds. Again the seeds are garbage I would think, but no breeder lol. Really thinking whats the harm is all. I have some pretty useless plants in my house other than they look cool.


Now to add to my confusion today a found many of what I assume are pollen sacks are producing pistils. Real confused :confused:

Also I move she/he/it to a safe area but it isn't coping well. It was my best looking baby and it's killing me :cry:

