Help! The first round flowers on my seedling are yellowing!


New Member
I currently have two, 1 week and 3 days old seedlings, and the first set of leaves that are round, are yellowing. They are growing in my closet, in a box, under a 26w 6500k CFL light for 24 hrs. They have airflow from fans and i know heat isnt an issue. They are in just regular cheap potting soil, but will be repotted today into much better soil. Im just trying to grow a couple 6-12 inch plants, nothing too large or tall. This is my first complete cfl only grow. The only expierience i have is i grew a couple large plants by putting them in the sun everyday and then i flowered them with 2700k 26w cfls in my closet. So pleaaaase help and make suggestions! Ill post pictures!


Active Member
I believe it may be nutrient burn or ph problems. Buy a ph meter and check your water, before you water your plants. And if you are giving nutrients then stop, your plants re way too young, wait till they are about a month old. Hope this helps


New Member
I believe it may be nutrient burn or ph problems. Buy a ph meter and check your water, before you water your plants. And if you are giving nutrients then stop, your plants re way too young, wait till they are about a month old. Hope this helps
The center of one of the little yellow leaves also has a little brown spot. Im cutrently using no nutrients, but plan on it. For just under a week i didnt have any airflow and it was hot. Could the heat have done it? The leaves arent withered or anything, they look "healthy" just yellow? If that makes sense.


Active Member
It does, I also have the same problem and I'm blaming nutes. Heat can also be a issue, but if you have airflow and using cfl's then I doubt it. It could be a deffiency of something, google for cannabis leaf problem chart, should be able to find your problem there.


Active Member
Don't worry about those little round leaves that first sprout. As the plant matures they will yellow and die. As long as the rest of the plant looks healthy. Just make sure you are not overwatering. No need to feed for a while as well. What are your sprouts in now. You may want to wait on transplanting until they are more mature and roots are developed. As far as ph in soil. Overrated soil buffers the ph. But you should understand what the water is going in. Tap water?


Active Member
Moonstar if you are putting seedling into hot soil with nutes and/or time release it can burn seedling and/or clones transplanted into it. If you are feeding your plants as seedlings stop. Wait until they grow up and ask you for food. Like 4 weeks or so. Watering and feeding are two biggest issues for new growers. When the plants need feeding start at 1/4 strength and ramp up a little as you go. I start with a feed water water type of schedule.


New Member
Don't worry about those little round leaves that first sprout. As the plant matures they will yellow and die. As long as the rest of the plant looks healthy. Just make sure you are not overwatering. No need to feed for a while as well. What are your sprouts in now. You may want to wait on transplanting until they are more mature and roots are developed. As far as ph in soil. Overrated soil buffers the ph. But you should understand what the water is going in. Tap water?
I leave out the water so i can have distilled wrer without the chemicals or minerals


Active Member
Leaving water out for a few days rids it of chlorine.
All the other base mineral ect. don't evaporate out.


Well-Known Member
Leaving water out for a few days rids it of chlorine.
All the other base mineral ect. don't evaporate out.
Less than half of the municipalities in the US even use chlorine gas these days.

Most use Chloramine, which does not off-gas. So no benefit to letting it sit out.