HELP? this is a feminized seed... Can anyone tell me FOR SURE what the sex is yet????


Active Member
These are some white widow fem. seeds from nirvana. Still in veg, bout 5 weeks or so since GERMINATION. Can anyone tell me if its showing signs of being a hermie or not?


Active Member
No not all, just some slight super cropping for better light penetration. A good buddy that has alot more experience than me said that if it has those horn looking things it more than likely male, plus the stalk is THICK and its doing alot better than the other fem. seeds. So I was wondering if by chance I got a male. About what time will the pistils start to show, flower? Im guna veg for another 2-3 weeks

Thanks for the fast responses its very much appreciated, Im baked and hate WAITING hahaha

I just want to take every precaution to not stress them too much. Im using 10gallon grow bags, with sunshine mix number 1 (peat moss/perlite mix) also started them out with 24hours light, now on 18/6 does this sound OK? Would starting them out at 24 hours be a mistake?


New Member
Probably a good idea to call your friend out on thinking a feminized seed was going to be male after it flowers, thats a pretty dumb thing to say tho. There are no 'bull horn' shapes which identify a male from a female during veg.


Active Member
Oh im gunna call him out on that shit hahaha. Thanks for the confidence I was worried for a minute. Some people are just stuck in there wayz I guess.