Help to identify a male plant.

Hi everybody i need a little assistance to indetify if my 3 week old plant is a male. I think it is but i would be gratefull for other opinions. Cheers for all your help.


Well-Known Member
Too hard to tell from that pic. Don't kill the plant just because somebody here says it's a male. Wait a bit longer or post better pics.


Well-Known Member
yeah, kinda hard to tell, you have plenty of time to get rid of it if it is a male. You will be able to tell soon enough. i also recommend on getting a 30x jewelers loupe.

max toby


I guess one of the first questions would have to be how long were you planning to veg her. In under 2 months; she will show you her goodies (if she's got em)and if she's a he; you'll find out a week or so after you flip the lights. (If you cut a clone off her, that'll show sex in 2 to 3 weeks). Flipping the whole plant and then turning her back is hard on them (have had a few that took months to turn back to veg). The last idea would be to block the light to one branch for 12 hours of the day with a paper bag or something. Just that branch will turn (start to bud) in 3 days to a week or so.

Good luck
