Help to identify odd leaf growth, please!


Active Member
It's hard to tell what you're talking about from that pic. Would it be possible for you to take a better pic of the area that you're talking about?

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
the leaf looks odd but it's nothing to worry about, I've had a couple like that, they seem to happen in seedling/early veg and usually grow a bit and die off in a normal fashion

TBH I'd be a little more concerned about the tear and hole in the leaf behind the deformed one, in the last picture. It looks like (I hope) the leaf got damaged or torn when you were handling it, if not it could be some sort of pest eating it, have you inspected that leaf for signs of pests, prolly some sort of crawling thing?

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
had the same problem on a clone,went 3 weeks all crazy as hell added more light and it straightened out,those leaves will be cut off anyway


Well-Known Member
yes don't worry they are fine ..i have got this on one of my plant and she is doing great it is not a problem


New Member
I have another post about those burn spots and tear in the leafs.
Another member said it might be from heat stress, so I went ahead and raised the lights a little further away from the plants.

I did see, one small white bug in my soil the other day and I decided to switch out the top layer of soil for cleaner soil that I have in a sealed container. I have not yet seen any other signs of pests under or on the leaves, yet.

I have also been using neem oil and diatomaceous as a IPM.
Could those possibly be to blame for the burning leaves?

The only nutes that I have been using ever other watering are Vega-matrix kit.

Thanks for all the responses and any other tips are welcomed.


Active Member
Ok, I see what you're talking about now. Those are leaf anomalies, they are a fairly common occurrence in cannabis plants from seed. It usually only affects the first couple of true leaves, the plant will grow out of it with no problems.