help!!!topped plant dying


First time grower, and up to this point everthing has been going okay. I decided to top plant today because i have no more room in grow box. Its 2 weeks into flower. i know its not a good idea to top plant while its in flower but it was touching my lights. so i topped the plant about an hour ago and used root stimulater and planted in soil. i put into my grow box and i just checked about an hour later and it has lost all of its rigidity... It was no longer stiff and was flopping on its side. Info will be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
if ur plants r getting to close to ur lights, u can always pinch the stem below the nug and give it a good bend... i will heal and swell ur bud as aswell... cuttin the top will cause the ur other ngs to fight to be the main cola so they will swell as well... as for the cutting, idk
well your problem is problably because you topped it into flowering. u are supposed to do all topping and pruning early to mid veg. all of your plants energy is growing flowers now. im not sure if u can fix that. maybe by reverting back to veg. cycle for a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
sounds like another problem entirely and it just happened when you topped it , check on over/under watering

edit , hang on your talking about the top of the plant yeah ? as in taking it and trying to root it ?if so stick it into a glass of water and in an hour it should be absorbing water like a trooper , then have a good read on cloneing techniques , i like rockwool myself


Well-Known Member
First time grower, and up to this point everthing has been going okay. I decided to top plant today because i have no more room in grow box. Its 2 weeks into flower. i know its not a good idea to top plant while its in flower but it was touching my lights. so i topped the plant about an hour ago and used root stimulater and planted in soil. i put into my grow box and i just checked about an hour later and it has lost all of its rigidity... It was no longer stiff and was flopping on its side. Info will be greatly appreciated!
Well sounds to me like you should be fine, and the top that you dipped in root stimulator and to my understanding you planted it lost all the rigidity is pretty normal, cloning during flower is difficult in my experiences, I think your top is a loss since your in flower. I ran into the same problem for I supercropped (bend) mine when it got too large, 3 weeks into flower, she looks beautiful and I didn't lose the top.


sorry for not being more clear it is the part of the plant that i topped that isnt doing well. the other plant is doing great!


Well-Known Member
yeah ok its simply the plants now missing a little something like most of the plant ,,,, no roots mean no uptake of anything so bang that bad boy into water and it will recover in no time

if you really want to just keep it in soil then the humidity will need rising massively so get a plastic bottle and chop the top off it , wet inside and drop it over the plant , this will sort out humidity

i expect a near 100% sucess rate with clones and i use airponics myself , bubblers are also brilliant , i clone more than i dare confess to online and as such could root a broom handle is i needed to , however cutting and dunking a plant into soil is a sure fire way of not getting a plant out of it as the sucess rates are poor and id not recommend it at all


thank you very much moggggys. i just barley put it into a cup of water... when would you say its safe to plant? just when it starts lookin better? and im going with the bottle idea as well