Help! Two of my ladies have turned on me.


New Member
Hello forum.

I'm growing for meds and am in about the last 3 weeks of flowering 10 mixed strain plants. I've been watching them closely as harvest time approaches but have just noticed yellow flowers on two of the plants. I've whipped them out of the grow room and stripped them down (harvested) them already. My questions, if someone would be kind enough to steer my in the right direction.

1. From the photos, have I got them out in time or is it likely that they've pollinated the others?

2. My drying wires are set up in my grow room and I really don't have anywhere else to hang. Obviously these males can't go back in the same room as the others. I need to process them quick. Bearing in mind that I will be making oil (Rick Simpson), what is the quickest way for me to dry so that I dont waste it. Microwave?

3. Do I need to dry at all or can I just process the green material?

Thanks in advance for any info I can get.

Bag Seed Herme_1.jpg

Bag Seed Herme_2.jpg
I've made the decision to part dry the material in the oven for an hour at 70C. I would say its about halfway dry. Anyway, its now in the crock-pot evaporating the solvent. I didn't get any advice to do otherwise so I had to go ahead - had to get it out of sight.

I would still appreciate some views on how I could have proceeded as that will help if (and when) I end up with a similar situation.

just get a tweezers and pluck them off. if they return in high numbers then chop and hash the unfinished buds. make sure you don't have light leaks

upon closer inspection i see now there are many male preflowers. maybe it is time to hash the plant. especially if you have other flowering plants nearby
those are ALOT of nanners/male parts. should have seen those 2 weeks ago. hash it, and remove thos plants entirely from your grow area. pollen can and will reenter your grow area and compromise your other plants, if not done already.

do daily checks. pull ANY nanners carefully with tweezers and dump into a cup of h2o. ive been dealing with nanners for 2 grows now, due to a light leak. this grow, no more nanners. I almost chanced my name to nanner hunter as I would spend 2 hrs daily looking at my 11 monster plants for nanners and pulling them.
Yah, ive had some god damn problems with that too. Did my last crop in a small bit from 1 fuck up. Left laundry room light on.. Lol. But i dont have margin to pull that stunt now. Light wont be leaking. Goodluck.