Help understanding...


Well-Known Member
Okay i know this may sound stupid...

But I Just dont understand how The whole Hydroponic systems work.

I already feel dumb so please dont make me feel more dumb ):

Like how does something like this work?
I cant find any thread or book that says HOW it work. only how to build one. and blah blah blah

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
bullshit theres not....there are thousands of places that explain it thousands of different ways...........pretty much ud put ur plant in ur coco(or whatever medium) and let the roots grow through the the bucket ull have a nutrient solution with an air pump and possibly a water pump in it(depending on ur setup)........basiclly u give your plant exactly what it needs with out having to fight too hard to find it....

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
eventually....thats what the air pump is for....keeps ur roots from drowning and the water from goin stale...


Well-Known Member
But then aren't the roots always in water? That is why i dont understand
Most of them yes. If they were all in water, they would drowned. There is space between the bottom of the pots and the top of the water. The roots in this space gather almost all of the O2 the plants need.

Go to youtube. I bet you can find a video that would give you a better idea.


Well-Known Member
Well Ive been searching, but I cant find anything Ill keep looking, I got a little better Idea, Thanks Jakabok.


Well-Known Member
I found how to make one, and it gave mea great Idea on how it works, pretty simple,
The picture I showed I got off Ebay, Do you think that system would be good?
how big can I grow the plants in that?
Or should I make one out a 5 gallon bucket?
I have all the shit for it already. except the net basket


Well-Known Member
If you are a DIY guy, yeah build one.

I grow in 5 gallon buckets. 1 per. My buckets are 2 feet apart on center and it gets crowded. If I used a tub that size, I would only grow one plant in it and LST the hell out of it. If you grew 6 plants in there, they had better be bonzi. And if you plan to veg them in that and move them to individuals buckets later, you're going to have tangled roots to deal with.


Well-Known Member
I think im gunna give the 5 gallon buckets a shot, I have the stuff for 2, and im running for to a hardware today ill see if they happen to have the nets

My next grow I think Ill attempt this type of grow.

Seems cheaper in the long run


Well-Known Member
I would get the cheap 6" net pots at a hydro store and make your own 'lids' out of 5 gallon bucket lids. Lowes buckets are the best imo. They block out the light and the lid is more user friendly than other ones.

Get these:


NOT these:


John Jacob

Active Member
DIY! you'll learn much better and prolly save a few bucks.. cant really add to much more info then whats already been said at this point in your journey but if you wanna even save some more doe you could always make those net pots.. it is just a pot with holes right? wont be as cool lookin I guess but mine worked out just fine just dont make the holes too big for the medium or rocks etc to fall thru just the roots. And keep searchin homie there's tons of info on these things including a DWC/Bubble thread on Rollitup. Good luck and happy farming!!


Well-Known Member
DIY! you'll learn much better and prolly save a few bucks.. cant really add to much more info then whats already been said at this point in your journey but if you wanna even save some more doe you could always make those net pots.. it is just a pot with holes right? wont be as cool lookin I guess but mine worked out just fine just dont make the holes too big for the medium or rocks etc to fall thru just the roots. And keep searchin homie there's tons of info on these things including a DWC/Bubble thread on Rollitup. Good luck and happy farming!!
Lol weird... I was just loooking up info on DIY net pots and alternatives to Hydroton.
Shipping costs are ridiculous.

How did you make yours? and what medium did you use?

and im still learning... When I germinate Should I do it in rockwool? and then put the rockwool into my grow medium?

John Jacob

Active Member
nice tony, not exactly constructive but i laughed.

Lakewood the first time I DWC'd I was away at school and not a hydro shop in site, plus my area isn't farmer friendly so at the time I was sketch to order online. ANYWAY, the net pots they are what they are, pots with holes.. I literally took party cups not solo's but a little thicker plastic ones and drilled holes on the lower half of them probably like a quarter inch to a half inch really has to do with the size of your medium. At the time I also didn't have access to hydro-ton but not to worry. Hydro-ton are fancy words for Rocks! lol as you learn you'll understand more that they actually can absorb a small amount of moisture which helps root growth early on before the roots reach the water in your tub but really arent needed later in dwc they act more as a structural medium for the roots soo smooth little rocks (i got from home depot) will work. If you use rockwool which is easiest for starting from seed or even clones. Just hand water them probably once a day maybe even less just keep it wet but not completely soaked. Do this until you see roots poppin out the cup and then your on your way.. stop the hand watering and let them grow into the tub, probably need to change the water every week or so. you can see great visuals on the DWC thread from start to finish


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I really appreciate your help! Ill run to lowes or home depot tomorrow and maybe walmart for cups or something.
And I need to buy2 more buckets with lids :P all the ones I have I drilled hopes in :P