Help! unusual spots on fan leaves

This is a 6 month old Mother PH and EC within normal range. she developed these spots a few weeks ago so I checked for bugs found nothing, don't foliar spray with the lights on so its not burnt. Please give me your thoughts.Leaf.jpgleaf2.jpg


Well-Known Member
that is weird spotting I immediately thought foliar spray burning are you using a spreader with the spray? have youchecked the leaves right before lights on?


Well-Known Member
This is a 6 month old Mother PH and EC within normal range. she developed these spots a few weeks ago so I checked for bugs found nothing, don't foliar spray with the lights on so its not burnt. Please give me your thoughts.View attachment 1740518View attachment 1740519
gotta be bugs bro, you might want to get in there with a mic to make triple sure you dont have any creepy crawlers, the spotting is in no way uniform which is what drawls my conclusion of bugs. normally deficiencies/over furting have more uniform signs than that also the overall health of the leaf looks great besides the holes which also makes me think bugs.


Active Member
Bugs causing some disease possibly . We tossed out a plant thats was old and it had thrips or fungas gnats all over the bottom roots they were hard to see. No airflow got to the bottom of the pots and caused moister stress root rot and bugs.
when I spray I am using a small amount of organic dish soap to break down the viscosity of the water it seems to work well. Spray contains 4 drops hydrothrive and 2 ml kelp extract. do you think this is ok ?
I will get a scope and really get in there to see if there is some bug I have missed. its is strange because my clones are perfect once the clone leaves the mother the problem seem to go away.

Thanks to all for the help this is a fantastic resource.


Active Member
I looked this problem up in jorge cervantes book and it seems it could be a disease. Downy Mildew. and i quote, "Downy mildew affects vegetative and flowering plants. Young foliage is a favorite starting place. It appears as whitish spots on top of leaves creating pale patches. Grayish spawn is on leaf undersides, opposite the pale patches." His recommendation is to scrap the plant, but but Serenade might work
I will look in to that for sure. My biggest question is why it is not transferring to the clones. I currently have 18 clones flowering and no sign of the spots. I might just get a strong clone and use her as my mother and flower the current one.