Help upside down canoing and looks weak


Well-Known Member
so this has been going on for a while my last grow I threw away three plants that were doing this one looked fine so I thought it was just the genetics, well I was wrong because my 2 new girls good genetics are doing it now wtf, so the new growth every things looks great but the under shoots are getting this problem the fan leaves too the new shoots are weak looking and canoing down words, I ph at 6.5 im in ff soil. I use 8 4ft t5s 6500k right now the over all look of the plants are great until you lift the large fan leaves and look at the new shoot you can tell this aint right . also no bugs not a one and ive looked very close. all I can think of is its the soil im at a lose, Note not all the new shoots are doing this only a couple on the two plants. DSCF2034.jpgDSCF2039.jpgDSCF2035.jpgDSCF2036.jpgDSCF2037.jpgDSCF2038.jpg:sad:
and there is no way im over watering these girls at the most are getting once a week Monday, soon that will change, to twice a week but for now I don't want to over water in theses 5 gallons pots plenty of drain holes and they are on a sloped table for drainage.
i see claw on some leaves. it mainly comes from to much N but not always. claw affects trich production and finish time. if you cut back on N you'll be better off. there is no cure only prevention.
do you have enough holes in the bottom of those buckets?

The container size seems a tad large for the plant, it's hard to tell from the pics. But watering every monday, may be too much, especially if there is a lack of oxygen to the root zone.

too much N seems likely though, I totally agree
Thanks all for the help and comments, I am using 5 gallon buckets at first I thought maybe too big also but I have been water accordingly, Not too much half gallon last water they received a full gallon for the first time and I wanted too get a good full water, you can never water too much just too often. the last water I gave she was really sagging I watered her and bam she purked right up. h,mm so I have been being careful of not over watering. just seeing stocks not looking good make me want too pull the plant lol. every thing else is fine good color 95% of the plant looks just fine but this is on both of my plants so I know something is up.
i see claw on some leaves. it mainly comes from to much N but not always. claw affects trich production and finish time. if you cut back on N you'll be better off. there is no cure only prevention.
I have not even feed her yet she is just in ff soil. hmm could she grow out of it as she gets bigger? I didn't put her right into ff soil tho I did transplant at week2.5 or 3 I think this run was 2.5 tho. maybe too hot for her? no signs of burn tho.:o
The pictures that seem to matter are pretty blurry.

Have you stuck your finger in the dirt to check the dryness? I'm probably wrong on this because everyone is suggesting over-watering, but your soil looks bone dry on top to me. If you go too long between waterings, you can create large dry zones that don't wet correctly on next watering. Instead the water just takes a path to the bottom of pot and exits.

I would lift the pots to check their weight and if they are light I would water them from the top and bottom and maybe add a drop of soap as wetting agent. But if your pots are heavy, forget I mentioned anything!
The pictures that seem to matter are pretty blurry.

Have you stuck your finger in the dirt to check the dryness? I'm probably wrong on this because everyone is suggesting over-watering, but your soil looks bone dry on top to me. If you go too long between waterings, you can create large dry zones that don't wet correctly on next watering. Instead the water just takes a path to the bottom of pot and exits.

I would lift the pots to check their weight and if they are light I would water them from the top and bottom and maybe add a drop of soap as wetting agent. But if your pots are heavy, forget I mentioned anything!

I hear ya man. they are dry up too about 2 inches then I feel alittle moister. they last watering they were thirsty, I have been careful due to the fact they were little when I put them in the 5's. now the larger fans are droppy again 3 days after theyre water. and when I wterd they got all happy you could see it.
Over watered. Prolly have a swamp in the bottom ever since your initial 1gallon watering. Water small plants small amounts and work your way up to larger watering amounts as plants become larger, especially going into a large container.
I would give them water if they perked up last time. I don't follow any watering schedule myself, I just try to read what the plant is telling me and find their rhythm. When in doubt I evaluate how the dirt feels and sometimes put a water wand device in to measure down a little deeper. I can honestly say that I have never seen an overwatered plant with 2 inches of dry soil on top.
interesting that you didn't add any fertilizer. so ff is a hot mix then. i think i've heard that before. i'll keep your post for other ff users. for now i would be careful adding more n. mb at a reduced rate. for future just cut your ff with some peat/perlite that should do it.
Over watered. Prolly have a swamp in the bottom ever since your initial 1gallon watering. Water small plants small amounts and work your way up to larger watering amounts as plants become larger, especially going into a large container.
exactly this is my philosophy as well and have grown for awhile now . that's why its hard for me too think I have over waterd. and I have very good drainage