Help w cloning

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
Yo guys I'm going to take some clones off two plants that I've been growing but I wanted to make sure they were mature enough and ready to be cut. I attached some pics so let me know if you think they are ready.

Also where do I want to be cutting from because every time I read something on clones they all say something different. How big should I cut the clone ect. Any feedback would be helpful.......thanks a lot:joint::hump:

As of right now the plants are 4 and 5 inches and about 2 and a half weeks since I planted them.



Well-Known Member
you could clone those, but they seem a little too short to me. I would wait a little bit longer. when I take clones, i usually just look for 2 nodes close together and then cut the leaves off and chop right under the 2nd node.

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
how much longer do you think I should wait, they grew 2 inches each the last 2-3 days. How tall should they be when I do it. And do you think that sniping a branch 3 inches will be too big or just fine?


Well-Known Member
im nto too sure but id take cutting 1 week befor eu plan to flower, and take the bottom branches for cuttings

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
I thought the tops were better because the bottom branches have a lot of starch in them which delays the rooting process.


Well-Known Member
i when I top mine, i take the tops as my clones, i don't top them until about 10 inches, but that's just me. i wait cause I don't want to fumble around with little branches that make my hand cramp up when I hold them. i've heard it's acually better to take them from the bottom of the plant because that's where the rooting hormones are naturally. a 3 inch branch would be fine. it really is just up to you. take stock in what advise people give you, but your setup is your setup and you should just try and figure some shit out. I did alot of research before starting, but now that I have, i mostly try to learn things and figure them out by myself, it will make me better in the long run, not having to rely on other people for help.


just some guy
I think your plants are too small to clone. Why dont you wait till a day or so before you put them into flower? I've cloned a week into flower and it worked out okay, but many say not to clone when in flower.

Normally, I cut clones off a day or two before I'm ready to put them into 12/12.

From what I've read so far, the bigger the cutting for your clone, the better the chances of rooting them. In my trials so far, this has held true.

I've only grown two different strains, Satori, which I have 100% success cloning, and SuperStar, which I have about a 60% success rate cloning.

What strain are you growing? You definately need to do a bit more research on cloning. it's not that hard to do, but study up on it and you'll be good to go.