I had my legal indoor weed plants cut down, by someone who didn't want me growing, and they cut up the leaves and main stem pretty good. They were clones, about 18 inches tall. What they left uncut were the plants rootball intact, covered in soil and all. There is about an inch of stem sticking out above the root mass. I planted these in the backyard, where there is tons of space. I'm in Cali, weather isn't to bad even though its January. The plant shouldn't be affected by weather to much anyway, because the only thing sticking out of the ground is a one to two inch stem. I was wondering, will these stems sticking out above the ground show new signs of life/growth eventually???? Will they eventually regrow into a full blown plant??? The reason I ask is because the root mass below the soil is intact, about 4 cubic inches, and I would think it would be able to support a short stem.