Help! What am I missing in my first closet grow?


Active Member
Light In Picture:400W MH bulb

Here is my set up thus far not much to look at but a start. I have a friend who said since the walls inside the closet are white mylar or reflective materials should not be needed is this true? Also is there anything else I should have that might help this closet be more efficient.



Well-Known Member
Thermometer, pH tester? Do you have anyway to get rid of the smell once they start budding?
that MH is too close. you want it 3 to 4 feet away.

my 400w MH on seedlings is 4 feet away and it is just the right temp(around 80), any closer and it's too hot. i'm just in the middle of sorting some better ventilation out so I can gradually get closer. yours will probably be too hot!

get some ventilation or use CFL's.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The white paint is a good choice if it is flat white paint, if it is glossy, better go with Mylar or Poly Plastic.