Help what are these funny looking flowers poppin out my buds???

Aussie Grown

Active Member
So im in my 6th week of flowering and ive noticed some funny looking flowers anyone know what they are? please help they look kinda like bannanas im worried it may be turning hermie its my 1st grow and there massive dont wanna loose them all now to that, i have reverse and i penetrator by dutch master, is it to late to use? and is it even a male sign? pics are bellow



Well-Known Member
Id have to see pics, but I am suspicious they may be hermaphrodites. If they look like bananas kinda light / yellowish cut them out.


Well-Known Member
do i cut just the little flowers off? or should i harvest?
Yeah those are hermies, you can just nip em off, if it gets more profuse than harvest a little early, you are close anyways so I think just removing em you can get to full ripe. Enjoy your harvest mines still a bit off.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
from the grow faq.......................
Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.
let it ride


Yeah, those are looking real nice - and pretty impressive for a first grow! You are pretty far along, so I would just say to pick off those flowers and you'll be fine.


Yeah, those are looking real nice - and pretty impressive for a first grow! You are pretty far along, so I would just say to pick off those flowers and you'll be fine.
Looking very nice........congrats on your first grow, the previous posts are right, especially the one in FAQ. Suggestion, get a $10 microscope and know for sure when your ladies are at their peak. Congrats..:bigjoint:

Aussie Grown

Active Member
thanks guys for all the great feedback, ill let you all know how it goes, any idea where to buy molasses?
yea it is going awesome, im very proud for 1st grow, hoping to pull 3-4lbs if i can find molasses...

next grow im going to get co2 cranking, hopefully end up with some ridiculously huge buds : )


thanks guys for all the great feedback, ill let you all know how it goes, any idea where to buy molasses?
yea it is going awesome, im very proud for 1st grow, hoping to pull 3-4lbs if i can find molasses...

next grow im going to get co2 cranking, hopefully end up with some ridiculously huge buds : )
You can get molasses at most grocery stores. I would guess in the sugar/baking aisle.