
Well-Known Member
Country, you are either trolling or know very little about cannabis. If its the later of those options you should become familiar with this site. Go check out the newbie central or general marijuana growing sections to learn about the differences in marijuana flowers. That plant is female and should be done flowering in 8-12 weeks homie.

Peace from Texas:weed:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to get you upset. Seems like the amount of THC that causes ADD might not be enough to call Chillaxicity.

Troll means it sounds like its a fake question and I don't mean to demean you in anyway. It's just that the internet is chock full of advice for ABSOLUTE beginners and, not to sound condescending, if you don't know what a female part looks like you are an absolute beginner.

I hope I didn't upset you too bad. I legitimately thought you were a board veteran fucking around. All the information you want are available in beginning books and websites.

Looks good though. Here's to a good harvest! :weed:

thanks and sorry for bad reply..I am a newbie but not THAT new.. been around it enough to know see basics reading constantly one the rest...just never seen this before...I know what female looks like... The part that I am scared of tho... and been looking at sooo many pics online.and reasarching.. is that the hairs on the calyx are brown and look to be receding ... I picked off a few of the pear shaped things in question brought them home... and I cut it open... there is a small yellow thing.bout the size of grain of sand ..I used magnify glass to inspect.. ..nothing else..the ONLY reason I am being super paranoid ,,and not chilling..(yet) is cause on the 100 % I am sure are females ...located some 30 miles from these are totally different.the buds on those are forming beautifully, and they dont have those ,,,
So yeah Sorry folks if my thc induced a.d.d has given ya stress... I'm a stubborn, high,paranoid,first time grower with the attention span of a smurf and the memory of a toad ....( lol ;P)
maybe a LOT more reading ( as I have been doing since I planted in May.. consistently )..and a little less asking.. but just to let you know...I will still bug ya from time to time...and yes I may have to be told more than once,,, Sorry and thanks .


Well-Known Member
turth be told....I just now noticed ..I did fuk up..
I have been on the newbie section,constantly here on RUI. I had posted once on there too..and I THOUGHT I was still on that section but I musta been clicking and reading ( the attention of a smurf thing) and wound up in the growing section... this was meant to go in the newbie section .I posted in wrong bad.. again read my " excuse" for my dumbness. in prev post. ;)


Well-Known Member
turth be told....I just now noticed ..I did fuk up..
I have been on the newbie section,constantly here on RUI. I had posted once on there too..and I THOUGHT I was still on that section but I musta been clicking and reading ( the attention of a smurf thing) and wound up in the growing section... this was meant to go in the newbie section .I posted in wrong bad.. again read my " excuse" for my dumbness. in prev post. ;)
We were all ignorant to the growing of cannabis at one point, and we all still make mistakes no doubt. If the plant in question starts producing male stamens(pollen sacks) then you should remove it. I've experienced what you are talking about with the calyx seeming to be pollinated in an indoor grow last year around this time. After dissecting several calyx's on this plant100_0444.jpg midway through an indoor grow I thought for sure there was a hermie and pollination. However, come harvest time, I could not find any seeds. I think this phenomenon is the plants want to be pollinated to produce seeds for next year.

If you're still worried check the other plants near to make sure there isn't a male or hermie near. Good luck on your first grow my friend. It's only more exciting from here and by the end of the season all of your hard work will pay off. I wish you stellar results:clap:
