Help! What is Wrong With My Plants?


Active Member
when i realized how long the roots were i transplanted into the small fragile are the roots? some got tangeled up during the transplant.i soaked them in hormex to try to minimize shock i used 25 percent what the bottle said.could that have harmed the plants?


Dont think the hormex did this. It looks like you had a nice start and then things went down hill after the transplant. In future I would not be so fast to transplant....they are very fragile at that stage. I think they are in shock for some could be the transplant screwed with them a little but if that is the case they would come back after the shock starts to wear off. Did you pre-wet the soil that you transplanted into? How are you testing your ph of your water (ph pen or the color drops)? If it isn't the PH I still say they probably got too dry at one point which would do some serious root damage at that stage and screw up everything. You want to maintain a moist setting to the point where you could take a handful of the soil squeeze hit and get 2-4 drops of water out of it. When a big plant gets too dry roots die but its not the end of the world because because it has plenty of other roots to feed from and after getting watered new roots will come back to make up for the dead roots. When you are at the stage you are at there aint much extra roots to pick up where the damaged guys left off. Either way there is root damage and that is why it is stunned and not doing much. Plan A is this mist those things 2 times on leaves daily until we get these girls back on track. This is to insure that the upper half of the plant still gets some moisture to support it because the roots are hurting and not doing their job. Dont worry about photosynthetic shock from watering when the light is on (you don't have enough light power to hurt those leaves and they can handle the mist and light at that stage). Plan B is this get your PH lower 6.3-6.4 is preferred at that stage (I guess this should really be plan A and plan A should be plan B....LOL) Finally plan C is this......and hopefully it doesn't come to this but you are going to sacrifice one of the girls to save the others so take your pick and rip one up for root examination. If roots are yellow and decaying we are probably not going to be able to save them without trying a different approach. If we must go to Plan D then this is what to do get some root gel....put the hormex away. Take a razor slice them as close as you can to the bottom of the stock diagonally but make sure the bottom of the stock is still green. Get some rock wool cubes soak them in water 6.3-6.4, fill the plug holes of the rock wool with the root gel and mist them 2 times daily while keeping the rock wool damp at all times. It sounds complex but believe me it is much easier to have success this way then to start from a seed. Personally I have never had to clone this early but it will work as long as there is still green on the plant from top to bottom of your cutting. Feel free to pm me if you need help along the way. If you need to go to plan D I recomend this stuff "Root!t" put out by a company called Hydro Tek. Stuff is awesome. We will save these girls trust me


Active Member
how do these look? I think i have these back on track.nice growth in the last week after a very slow start.think my ph reader is garbage.after i started feeding small dosage of nutes and lowered the ph in my water i have noticed a big difference.still small but hopefully with everyones help i can get this are some pics from a couple of days ago.

DAY 32.jpg


Looking much better congrads! Dude you gotta water those girls more. They look very dry. I would transplant in some light fluffy pro-mix or if you can get Foxfarm "Ocean Forrest" that would be even better. transplant gently into something about the size of a 16 oz. plastic cup and poke holes in the bottom for draining. Make sure water never pools up in bottom of tray and keep them moist. The light soil/pro-mix along with never allowing any pool build up will eliminate any chance of overwatering issues. PH pen issue is probably correct I have horrible problems with those junk ph meters. I have thrown my ph pens away. Instead I found my regular water to be stable and reliable every time I test it so therefore I simply use the same mix ratio every time and hope nothing ever changes with my water supplies constant ph stability. Once you get your watering issue taking care of you should see much faster and healthier growth.

On another note I see at least one of your plants have started flowering? Did you turn your lights back or is this a auto flowering strain? You should be at 18 on and 6 off for lighting at this point. You could also go to 24 hours light and that would be safe also but nothing less than 18 hours is protocol for typical veg stage lighting


Active Member
Here are some updated pics.finally coming all of the temp and ph problems under control.the new question i have is when should i start feeding?they seem to be growing just fine i dont want to mess anything up.

let me know what you guys think.this is my first grow so any advice helps.


Well-Known Member
start feeding them now, I just replanted some cuttings trying out some mycos and I feed mine a light dose of food when transplanting