help what should i do

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
keep the soil loose, just snug her into her new home.

dont spray anything on the leaves, she is wet and sick enough already. she needs low humidy and a chance to dry out. anything around 18/6 light cycle, to 24 hour lights will be fine. she needs a chance to grow, restore her roots and make new leaves.

give her a month of vegetative growth and she will be fine, but anything less than 2 weeks of TLC and vegetative growth will be too stressful. she could just die if you try and send her to flower too early.

update this thread tomorrow with how she is doing in her new dirt and dont forget the eggshells!

slugs and snails will not walk on eggshells, it cuts up their little feet and dries up their slime trail. egg shells will also buffer your soil against acid without adding any alkaline compounds.


Well-Known Member
use fucks slugs up. and, yeah, i agree with char. some amputations, dry it out, and back in the race.


Well-Known Member
can't tell sex from pic. you should re-pot to a larger pot. a nursery pot. prune it even. veg it for a while, imo. even LST it, to make up for lost time and branches

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
OK if I stay in 20/4. Lighting will I be able to tell or no??
Ill try and break it down.

a cannabis plant may sometimes show it's gender while still in vegetative growth, but usually you have to wait for several weeks of flowering under 12/12 lighting (or the fall equinox)before they start producing flowers.

sometimes, when its had the living shit beat out of it by pests, bugs, or really erratic light cycles they can start flowering without changing the light cycle or duration. but its gotta be seriously fucked up shit minor pest or light problems wont hurt the plant overall

when seriously stressed, a plant can even go crazy and make female and male flowers on the same plant. when this happens, youll get dirt weed, and lotsa seeds.

If the white things in your pic (really hard to see clearly) really are pistils (white hairs from a female flower) she may also have male flowers too, since she should be in vegetation growth if she was kept outside in the USA watch out for male flowers (hanging balls)

she could even be an automatic flower plant. this means she will flower when she chooses, regardless of your light timing.

since she is a bag seed, theres no way to be sure untill she does her thing.

give her plenty of light, on 24 hours, 20/4 or 18/6.

if she sets flowers without you changing the lighting times then she is an autoflower or hermaphrodite

if she sets flowers without you changing the lights and never grows male flowers, then she is an autoflower.

if she doesnt set flowers, and the white things are pistils, then those are Pre-flowers, and she definitely a she!

many plants dont make preflowers so you have to wait weeks to find out their genders.

if she has preflowers and is therefore a she, then she will recover, and if treated right, she will drop huge nuggs for you.