Help. what to do with my seeded bud.


Active Member
Me plants hermied and got seeds in me bud which i didn't realise until harvest yesterday. Some buds have one or two seeds and other is packed. However , the buds are still covered in cloudy trichs ( very frosty). Need to get the seeds out as the weed is booked for the weekend. Tried earlier when still wet and it was a pain in the arse and gave up after about 100 seeds . Any body got any advice, was thinking it would be easier when dry. Will it still be ok ?. Got eight others 2 weeks into flower in the same room. Advice needed, never had this happen , was hardly any male pollen sacks , probably 8 at the most.


Well-Known Member
Me plants hermied and got seeds in me bud which i didn't realise until harvest yesterday. Some buds have one or two seeds and other is packed. However , the buds are still covered in cloudy trichs ( very frosty). Need to get the seeds out as the weed is booked for the weekend. Tried earlier when still wet and it was a pain in the arse and gave up after about 100 seeds . Any body got any advice, was thinking it would be easier when dry. Will it still be ok ?. Got eight others 2 weeks into flower in the same room. Advice needed, never had this happen , was hardly any male pollen sacks , probably 8 at the most.
I only smoke what I grow - I don't sell - so my first response is, who cares about a little seedage? I'd say give whoever is buying it a discount - about all you can do.


Well-Known Member
Wait till it's dry they will just fall out when breaking up. The smoke will still be fine. Just don't try to grow any of the seed from the hermied plant, they tend to be hermie's also, but seeds on the other plants should be saved, and the bonus is they are feminized.


Well-Known Member
Just don't try to grow any of the seed from the hermied plant, they tend to be hermie's also,.
I don't agree 100% with that statement.
"If pollen from these few staminate flowers forming on a pistillate plant is applied to a pure pistillate seed parent, the resulting F1 generation should be almost all pistillate with only a few pistillate hermaphrodites. This will also be the case if the selected pistillate hermaphrodite pollen source is selfed and bears its own seeds. Remember that a selfed hermaphrodite gives rise to more hermaphrodites, but a selfed pistillate plant that has given rise to a limited number of staminate flowers in response to environmental stresses should give rise to nearly all pistillate offspring. The F1 offspring may have a slight tendency to produce a few staminate flowers under further environmental stress and these are used to produce F2 seed. A monoecious strain produces 95+% plants with many pistillate and staminate flowers, but a dioecious strain produces 95+% pure pistillate or staminate plants. A plant from a dioecious strain with a few inter sexual flowers is a pistillate or staminate hermaphrodite. Therefore, the difference between monoecism and hermaphrodism is one of degree, determined by genetics and environment."
It's unclear at this point if conditions that caused the hermaphroditism was a genotype condition or a environment stress.


Active Member
I have had to deal with this more then once. As was stated those seeds are feminized which I still grow from hermies. Get a spray bottle fill with tap water and spray the whole plant flowers and all. The chlorine in the water will make the pollen useless. Just becareful not to get your lights they dont take to water well. Works everytime spray your other plants ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Wait till it's dry they will just fall out when breaking up. The smoke will still be fine. Just don't try to grow any of the seed from the hermied plant, they tend to be hermie's also, but seeds on the other plants should be saved, and the bonus is they are feminized.
Clearly not speaking from experience as I have made feminized seed from multiple stress triggers and have not had a hermie out of 30+ seeds. There is no documented proof that the seeds from a self pollinated plant will have a higher tendency or will hermie at all.

I don't agree 100% with that statement.
"If pollen from these few staminate flowers forming on a pistillate plant is applied to a pure pistillate seed parent, the resulting F1 generation should be almost all pistillate with only a few pistillate hermaphrodites. This will also be the case if the selected pistillate hermaphrodite pollen source is selfed and bears its own seeds. Remember that a selfed hermaphrodite gives rise to more hermaphrodites, but a selfed pistillate plant that has given rise to a limited number of staminate flowers in response to environmental stresses should give rise to nearly all pistillate offspring. The F1 offspring may have a slight tendency to produce a few staminate flowers under further environmental stress and these are used to produce F2 seed. A monoecious strain produces 95+% plants with many pistillate and staminate flowers, but a dioecious strain produces 95+% pure pistillate or staminate plants. A plant from a dioecious strain with a few inter sexual flowers is a pistillate or staminate hermaphrodite. Therefore, the difference between monoecism and hermaphrodism is one of degree, determined by genetics and environment."
It's unclear at this point if conditions that caused the hermaphroditism was a genotype condition or a environment stress.
There is no hermie genetic. ;-)



Well-Known Member
Buddy, from my experience growing mostly outdoors, is clones are way too sensitive...never did I run into these pain in ass issues as I did with clones...too much dark, it flowers, the light time gos off slightly, it turns gay and grows pollen sacs, nutrient requirements, nutrient adjustments... nothing goes near as smooth as plants grown from good seed stock. A plant from seed, even though you still have to gamble on males, sometimes you luck out and get ALL female plants...happened more than once for me, but a plant from seed will be a stronger root system (I don't care what anybody says), less crap with nutes, less vulnerable to heat, wind, this, that...maybe when you grow for 40 years you'll feel the same...??? Best of buds...


Well-Known Member
...and try growing some outside, but if you can, put them IN THE GROUND. Then you'll get to grow your own marijuana TREES...nevermind the tiny plants. lol Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
No, hermie genetics, but whiny -bitchy clones are prone to just about everything...hypochondriac plants confused with their sexuality. Seeds...plant plants with seeds...the clone thing is getting out of hand.


Well-Known Member
No, hermie genetics, but whiny -bitchy clones are prone to just about everything...hypochondriac plants confused with their sexuality. Seeds...plant plants with seeds...the clone thing is getting out of hand.
Whatever Cannabis evolved from obviously wasn't annual, Cannabis kept alive long after fall trigger spends its second life doing something completely different. Some plants do something amazing, other are finicky tranny bullshit. Not all Cannabis is created equal. But all commercially available Cannabis is. Breeders spreading trash on purpose. There all financially motivated to lower everyone's standards early on.


Well-Known Member
We used to deseed by vaccum bagging then twisting.. 99% would pip out.

Doesnt work with your sesame seed garbage spread around online.