HELP What would cause this on a new sprout?


This sprout had blackish /purple spots when the leaves first started forming and as it grew they didn't really expand it just grew a little different but the second set of leaves that are now starting to grow have blackish tips . I looked at it under a pocket microscope and can't seem to figure out what it is. The areas don't seem to be getting bigger but it is troubling me because it is on the new leaves coming in also. I thought it could possibly be mold but my rh is between 30-40%. ambient temp 70 and 77 at the spouts canopy. Soil mix is 25% light warrior 25% ffof and roughly 50 % perlite. they were put into soil Saturday and sprouted Tuesday night so this sprout is about 3 days old. Run off ph is 6.6. They are in 16 oz solo cups and were watered once last Friday and today Any ideas?There are other sprouts that don't have the black areas but there are also some that have small blackish areas on the newest set of leaves coming in. Any ideas?

This is the worst of them


Here is one that just has a small spot on one of the tip of the 2nd true set of leaves growthIMG_1132.jpg


Active Member
Can't see too well but if I had to guess It's nothing unless it starts spreading. I can't see mold doing anything that quickly.


looks ok to me , the roots maybe gone into a small chunck of strong feed nothink to worry about , enjoy it mate


Thanks for the replies guys. After seeing how bad things can go those spots got me paranoid but i'm definitely feeling better about it now.


Well it hasn't been a full week since I posted but here is an update. The leaf tips on some were starting to curl up so I turned the fan up and ambient temperature is now 70 and at the canopy it is 73-75. The weird leaves are still growing, just growing weird. There are still some dark purplish spots on the very tip of the new leaves coming in but it seems to be clearing up The plant with the messed up leaves is now 6 days old and the other is 7. those numbers are from when the sprout broke ground. So , How are they looking?



Here's the update. I transplanted on Wednesday. When I checked the roots they were wrapping around the bottom and were fairly full on the sides. I know some say to leave in solo cups longer than a week so I hope that didn't cause any problems. You can see in the picture of the one with the weird leaves the dark spots I was originally talking about. They have both been steadily growing but i don't know if they should be further along by now. They are currently 9 and 10 days from sprout.


Well-Known Member
i had some problems with 1 seedling out of the whole batch. it sprouted with the embryonic membrane still attached to its cotelydons since i buried it too shallow. I figured the plant would be able to shed the membrane itself. It never was able to, so i tore it off with a tweezer. There was some damage to the cotelydons, but the plant still lived. they look healthy to me. Dont mess with them please


Interesting, I didn't even think about damage to the cotelydons. Turns out I had to remove part of the shell and membrane with tweezers also. That could be what caused those dark spots and weird growth. Thanks for the input. I don't plan to mess with them. I'm just trying to keep optimum conditions and let nature run its course. I just don't want to not do something that I should do if there is/was a problem .


Here's and update on those sprouts. It's day 26. For new growers like me , if you see weird leaf growth like I had just keep your environment in check and it will most likely work itself out. I just topped The White russian because I'll be flowering my chronics first so it will give them time to bush out. While they may not be incredibly impressive I am very happy with how they turned out. The weird leaves definitely scared me in the beginning.

Here is the White russian, this is the one that had the really deformed leaf and was thought to be bad genetics. She seems to be doing pretty good. Once she has time to bush out i'm thinking she'll be lovely.
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Here is the other sprout. one of the chronics
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Active Member
You mean when you tweezed it apart there were neg. effects. Must be poor genetics what kind of breeder doesn't prep strains for monsters wielding metallic torture devices. Jk You guys crack me up, stay vigilant and be patient when "helping" your babies.


I expect these bitches to sprout with iron man armor. Some tweezers action should be an easy first battle! Nah I honestly just didn't think about it. There is so much to take in the first time around.