Is this better ?Not a very good picture but not a thrip, gnat or spidermite, could be an aphid but from here just looks like a booger
Lol thanks
Theres alot more this was the first one i come across is their anything at home i could use to get rid of them
You could get alife ? And just not comment if your not gonna help ? No need to be a dick im just looking for help is allYou COULD try fire and an icepick.
You could get alife ? And just not comment if your not gonna help ? No need to be a dick im just looking for help is all
I know the plant is fine bro i can take a joke as you can see above its algud bro im not here for that as you can see i asked what these are and how to get rid of them and if i could use something at home you havent answered any of my questions so why comment If i wanted jokes i would go to a joke forum . thanks though. Go troll someone elseTake a joke. Your plant is fine crybaby.
I know the plant is fine bro i can take a joke as you can see above its algud bro im not here for that as you can see i asked what these are and how to get rid of them and if i could use something at home you havent answered any of my questions so why comment If i wanted jokes i would go to a joke forum . thanks though. Go troll someone else
Do you have ISO?Theres alot more this was the first one i come across is their anything at home i could use to get rid of them
Oh yeah that's a bad infestation of the fuckers for sure.Anyone know what these fuckers are ? And how can i get rid of them ?