Help!!! Whats Wrong With My PLANT!!=[

well they are all flowering i dug out some of the granule nutes i used yesterday should i just let them be and see how they do or what should i do?


Active Member
you have 2 problems going on here. #1 your burning her the burnt tips are classic nute burn.flush the hell out of your soil and i mean good.if its pre-nuted soil you need to flush it alot.# 2 it looks like you need to get some mag in your soil after you flush and she dries out and needs watered again put a tablespoon of epsom salt in a gallon of water and water her with just that.should bring her back but it could take some time maybe a week or a lil more.then when she looks a little better add some micro nutes.also need to get those bugs under control their reaking havoc.good luck


Well-Known Member
flush with plain PH'd water with 3 times the ammount of your pot size...ex: 3 gal. pot...flush with 9 gallons of water...i know its alot, but it should do the i take it nothing positive has happened since 2 or 3 days ago? i am sorry to hear that, if thats the case.


Well-Known Member
it is the pre nuted soil thats giving you all the problems my time, dont go that route...there are plenty of other good soil brands...foxfarms is one...roots organic, another...even mixing up your own is a good idea.
here's some pics of the whole garden. how should i go about flushing them most of them are in the ground and its raining as we speak. its going to be raining alot the next week or so?
here are the pics



Well-Known Member
it looks like the pre nuted soil has to much nitrogen in it...they all look hungry for some potassium, and phosphorus. i would flush your girls with 1/4 strength bloom nutes, that way they get their needed P and K.
i have actually got rid of all the mite but they are outdoor plants and there are a lot of bugs in this area.. but where would i get some 1/4 strength bloom nutes? and how would i go about using it? and would that save my girls?


Well-Known Member
i believe it would save your want a nutrient with a higher P and K like 2-8-4 something along those lines...look into fox farms.i would also once u get a nutrient, then use 1/4 strength recommended dose for your flush.
hey one of my plants that is flowering has leaves that are turning bright green and the water leaf stems are turning purple...