Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?


Weed Modifier
I dont post garbage! And the problem here according to u was cal/mag def... So with that bein said .... I dont suck... You do... Learn basic botanic care
Knocking a member is!!! Garbage!!! and your attitude trying to help had a suggestion but see that you have a problem...idk why??? lol


Weed Modifier
LOl he was almost right take it easy on him
like he should have done with op! and not come off , as first poster..... saying "grower sucks" and continuing to me now!!! bullshit...i will not stand for this useless garbage! his problem??? Me! haha


Well-Known Member
Well I guess we are all here to help each other out... And give our opinions... Not always facts tho.... I wouldnt take some random dudes advice... I would def do some research first then give my plants a diagnosis.... Discuss cures with ppl then I would choose my best option and stick with it.... Learnin basic botanic care would help tho... This got me out of so many jams...


Active Member
I agree its a cal mg deficiency not denying that what i was trying to say is adding mg and cal will not help if the ph is not fixed not trying to argue either man just trying to help this kid have a succesful grow so he can enjoy, thats what these forums are for, and as for this kid trolling the post and being mean saying the grower sucks and this and that, grow up man thats not what this forum is for go to youtube if you wanna troll message boards this isn the place.


Weed Modifier
Well I guess we are all here to help each other out... And give our opinions... Not always facts tho.... I wouldnt take some random dudes advice... I would def do some research first then give my plants a diagnosis.... Discuss cures with ppl then I would choose my best option and stick with it.... Learnin basic botanic care would help tho... This got me out of so many jams...
Very good point!
hey man i don't wanna get into it(arguing) ....just wanna keep thread on track..peace bro! :)


Active Member
Thanks for the input bros, really useful. As for nutes, I have the general organics line

Yeah I am using FFOF. I water about twice a week. So I shouldn't add any nutes and only water with dolomite lime and adjust that mix ph to around 6 before feeding. About how long do you think I should wait before adding nutes?
you should start addind 1/4 strength about a week or two ago. lol nah anytime now will be fine start with 1/4 strength and work up to 2-3 tbs per gallon. Get FF grow big its about 25 bucks but will last so long and totally worth it, test the water after you add nutes and lime and always everytime before feeding the PH can change while the water sits. And that link doesnt tell me much about those nutes do they contain trace minerals? are they ph adjusted for optimum uptake? will they go good with your FFOF? probably not best stick to one brand its never failed me. Just gotta pick a decent one that has decent quality on everything.


Active Member
Very good point!
hey man i don't wanna get into it(arguing) ....just wanna keep thread on track..peace bro! :)
I agree were just both trying to help him no problems man just was explaining where i was coming from, you had a good observation on the cal mg deficiency.


Well-Known Member
I aint here to take nothin to the heart... I aint here to get butt hurt.... I aint even here to make friends.... I like to smoke bluts with friends.... And tjere is no such thing as a cyber blunt... Im take useful stuff from this website.... N like a sponge... Absorb... U are not my problem... My problem is ppl that think they know what the cure should be... And yet they cant even guess the problem right...


Weed Modifier
I agree were just both trying to help him no problems man just was explaining where i was coming from, you had a good observation on the cal mg deficiency.
yah sorry was not directed to you(forgot to quote)...but do AGREE with what you are saying too bro..we need all the info from op to say that's definitely what the problem is...;) but thank you for the kind words! +rep


Active Member
I aint here to take nothin to the heart... I aint here to get butt hurt.... I aint even here to make friends.... I like to smoke bluts with friends.... And tjere is no such thing as a cyber blunt... Im take useful stuff from this website.... N like a sponge... Absorb... U are not my problem... My problem is ppl that think they know what the cure should be... And yet they cant even guess the problem right...
Are you reffering to me not knowing whats going on? And"Not gussing the problem right"? lol


you should start addind 1/4 strength about a week or two ago. lol nah anytime now will be fine start with 1/4 strength and work up to 2-3 tbs per gallon. Get FF grow big its about 25 bucks but will last so long and totally worth it, test the water after you add nutes and lime and always everytime before feeding the PH can change while the water sits. And that link doesnt tell me much about those nutes do they contain trace minerals? are they ph adjusted for optimum uptake? will they go good with your FFOF? probably not best stick to one brand its never failed me. Just gotta pick a decent one that has decent quality on everything.
thanks again man, i think im all set on the info i needed. ill keep you guys updated on how everything goes in a week or so. oh and here is the website for my nutes I got a good deal on the box kit thing so I ended up getting that but will look into grow big.


Active Member
Hokie bud if you want add me as a friend and message me and let me know how everythings turning out and if you need more help ill be glad


Active Member
Those nutes look good but its more for advanced users (no offense i probably couldnt use em correctly) an all in one with trace minerals is really gonna be your best bet but give those a shot im sure they are really better if you learn how to use them right for MJ as the directions are for other plants


Active Member
Heres the love someone just had a nice toke lol. Nah man im confident you can get some nice buds if you just show your plants a little TLC and try to learn from your first few grows. My first few grows were total failures now ive had so many succesful ones in a row. just gotta learn from your mistakes and keep at it


Well-Known Member
I aint here to take nothin to the heart... I aint here to get butt hurt.... I aint even here to make friends.... I like to smoke bluts with friends.... And tjere is no such thing as a cyber blunt... Im take useful stuff from this website.... N like a sponge... Absorb... U are not my problem... My problem is ppl that think they know what the cure should be... And yet they cant even guess the problem right...

what are u so mad about quit acting like your so hard and above everyone else u have the authority to reign down like u know whats up...the dude ends it clean and u have to re assert that hes u dont get butt hurt and hes not a problem and blah blah, grow up fool...


Well-Known Member
its my first grow too dude... Im using
canna coco a+b
Canna rhizotonic
Canna bloom
I vegged 8 weeks and yesterday was my first day of flowering

I mix 2 gal of water every 2 to 3 days .....
My mix is.....
30ml of a+b/2gal
30ml of rhizotonic/2 gal
45ml of bloom/ 2 gal
Ph at 6.0
Im not saying u should mix ur nutes like mine im just posting my mix out here so that u can get u an idea.... Hopefully ur on the right track