Help! Whats wrong with this plant?


Well-Known Member
The plant was doing great a few weeks ago, then i top fed the soil with some Vigoro Slow release fertilizer 12-10-5
A few weeks later, the plants bottom leaves turned yellow with brown spots and everything is soft, wilting, and limp.



any help is appreciated, I cant tell if he/she will pull through.

Here are some practice pictures for when I need to sex my plants


Well-Known Member
thats what i was thinking, its been raining for a week straight so it probably got a heavy dose of the slow release

I suppose ill have to make a trip to the hydro store and buy some proper nutes or revert back to the stinky fish fert


Well-Known Member you're stuck with this fert; don't feed on top of it. if you want to switch nutes, you'll have to re-pot. i would do nothing. when the rain stops and the sun shines, maybe it will use all those nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, was about to say...slow release means it will take time to use all of it up. If it was organic you'd probably be fine, but chemical slow release nutes can be a disaster with too much watering.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
SCrog is right, either ride t out or transplant into some clean soil. it wont stress the plant that bad. it's done all the time. lesson sloe release

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Looks like it was caused by a Nitrogen deficiency too growth shows no sign of burn that I can see. You also need to find a way to get them more Potassium. The ratios of your nutes are out of balance for a cannabis plant. 12-10-5(6-5-2.5) you want something closer to 3-1-2.....


Active Member
Time realese= slow roast. This Isn't your issue, those plants simply have been overwatered. lower dead leafs have died of necrosis. Period... Non of the top vegitive growth is burnt, time realese burns look worse as you go up the plant. Another big issue is that big decomposing bamboo stick. You are creating a nice little pocket of methane down there next to your roots. Methane gas kills biological entities buddy. I'ts poisoning your plant as it decomposes. decomp is all good when making compost, compost is good, roting wood next to your roots is not. Easy fix simply get a new bamboo stick one that doesnt look rotten. Too much rain is a problem, an out door growers can minimalize their pain, how? Provide your plants a soil mix that drains and drys quickly. If in the ground mix peolite into soil, place this soil on a bed of prerolite. This raises the growing platform, dig a aqueduct leading away from the platform. In a pot much easier mix your soil with 1/3 perolite, then place your pots on small rocks just enough to get them off the ground, OK here comes all the critics saying 1/3 is too much, the nutes will run out, it'll dry out too fast, yada,yada. Just try it in your next potting, drop me a line and let me know if it helped any, not that I don't already know. Ok here comes all the 15 year olds with their "years" of experience to tell us how wrong I am.


Active Member
TBH that soil looks very compact and wet and its being choked to death if I was you I would get rid of miracle grow or whatever and go buy yourself a nice quality soil. I personally use promix hp extra perilite is nice.


Well-Known Member
Bro why did you add 'slow 'release fert to a plant that is starving for N and most trace elements giving you this terrible plant. The soil you used was fucked at best and thats why the plant is stunted,weak and yellow. Start feeding it complete(fast release) veg nutes such as MG.


Well-Known Member
Ive also noticed black mold/spores on the stem which makes it also K def. When this happens the plant has little/no resistance to disease, pests etc.


Well-Known Member into neutral mix with lots o' perlite, and give it a mild feed. that addresses a lot of what folks think on this one. just re-set, before its too big to deal with. 5gal nursery pot or bigger with lots of drainage and lots of perlite. and don't use that fert like that. its made to be mixed into soil, i believe, not caked onto the surface to form a hot spot. all my opinion. good luck with it.


Well-Known Member
okay thanks everyone! that was a great amount of responses in a short period of time, love this site.

repotting asap


Well-Known Member
went back to check on her today and repot, and she was dead, wilted completely. I checked the roots and there was not a single root, all burned away.

Down to 5 plants, you know what that means, Clones!


Well-Known Member
went back to check on her today and repot, and she was dead, wilted completely. I checked the roots and there was not a single root, all burned away.

Down to 5 plants, you know what that means, Clones!
Yeah after looking at the plant AND the responses, I was about to say chuck her but she chucked herself it seems.


Well-Known Member
that plant came back from the dead after i repotted. Its funny it shrunk like a was doing really well and after the nute burn it shriveled down to almost nothing.