Help whats wrong!!!!!

I have these grandaddy purps and katt piss.
Spider mites all of a sudden there 4 weeks in flower buds seem small
my leaves seem burnt and tips are yellow



Well-Known Member
good luck spidermites are a mf! neem has worked in small infestations for me along with the many poisons!


Active Member
theres a type of oil u can coat leaves with in any stage of growth that wil cause those little fuckers to suffocate. Not sure what the name is but google "oil" + "spider mites". Your plants look immature and like they need a nice dose of nutes too. I would recommend running distillled water ph adjusted to 6.5 with about 2 tsp/gall bloom ferts with a microbial enhancement like Big bloom from fox farm or any other soil based bloom nutes. After a week or two raise the light intensity because ur running outta time! Good luck man don't give up. I destroyed over 6 crops before I had even a decent yield. Failure is part of the learning process (as you well know by now lol). Keep it up man persistence is key.


Yea bro Azamax works pretty good! But be careful not to spray the buds....i apply a little on a soft cloth and gently swipe underneath the leaves...its a bitch but very necessary. You need to make sure you hit em every 3-4 days because although you may have killed the adult mites...azamax doesnt affect the eggs the mites lay so you have to be persistent and hit em when the eggs hatch as well!
Good Luck!


Active Member
I got schultz houseplant incesticide it works wonders! I killed all the mites I had in 1 spray! I wiped all the leaves down with sponges and a dilluted soapy water mixture then sprayed the schultzs on there and BAM they were gone and never came back.spray them with pesticide then spray with plain water (as spider mites dont like high humidity) for a few days and hopefully they will be gone.