help! where do i begin with these things? see pics


Active Member
so a friend could no longer take care of his ladies so he passed them on to me to see through till the end. ive had them a few days and i just dont know where to begin with these things. first of all they are about 5.5 ft tall and im growing indoors and no way i can handle the stretch. 2nd prob i have is the fact that it seems he may have trained initially but nowwww...they are all over the place and not sure where to start cutting. should i LST them? top them? lollipop? i have a little experience in all mentioned methods but clearly im no pro. my ladies are only about 3 ft and manicured from beginning so i dont have these issues. please offer some good advice. thnx guys!

bd.jpg sc.jpg gdp.jpg



Active Member
ok so the first plant is a blue dream. its about 4ft tall and has all types of dead leaves on the bottom as you can see. there is a lot of healthy growth up top. 2nd plant is a strawberry cough. this thing is growing evvvverywhere. i dont even know where to start on this thing. shes nice and healthy though. 3rd is a granddaddy purp. there is no node spacing and im not sure why. never grown this plant before so im not sure if this is common or what. last but not least is kosher tangie. this thing is nearly 6ft tall and seems to have a great deal of stretch.


Well-Known Member
Get some wire fencing to build a round cage, and center them around a 1000w vertical bulb, that way ur stretch isn't going 'up' and u can run them all under one light.