Help with a cloning machine?


Well-Known Member
Not at all. A few of the leaves needed to be trimmed away because of yellowing but mostly stayed green and healthy. Misted them for the first couple of days. Didn't use a dome at all either.


Well-Known Member
Only thing I might try a little differently next time is mix in a bit more rooting gel. But yeah I like this way better than the dome and soil method personally.


Active Member
ya its much faster... my clones stood back up and are lookin strong!! all u want to use for clones is the rooting gel on the actual stem, purified/reverse osmosis water, and 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide per litre of water to prevent rotting... u dont want to use any nutrients really... just like u woudnt use nutrients when cloning in soil and in a dome...


Well-Known Member
My biggest problem with these was that I didn't have my PH meter when I took them so I just used tap water that had been running in the unit for a few days before the clones went in. Next time I think they will go more quickly but either way I am fine with it.


Well-Known Member
I use just use a little gel, and a weak nutrient solution phd to 6.2 and get 100% success and no yellowing. About an 1/8 th strength nutrient solution will start feeding the clones as soon as roots start to develope giving them a better jump start. Here is the cloner I built and use, its just a cooler, pump, pvc, misters, and neoprene inserts.



Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Without going into tons of detail, I have been growing in soil and my plants look fantastic. I plan to move Up to hydro/aero after I get a few grows under my belt and feel a bit more comfortable but in the meantime..

Tried taking cuttings and doing everything the way you are supposed to but they aren't viable.

I've heard of lots of success with cloning machines and (I know it's blasphemy to you folks but) moving them to soil after they get some decent roots.

I've checked out lots of DIY guides for cloning machines but living in the asshole of Canada (it is a large city but you wouldn't know it trust me) I can't find a good portion of all the parts I need (misters, manifold, net pots (prolly not gonna use these just the neoprene) so I have been looking around online trying to find one that is reasonably priced and won't cost me an arm and a tit to ship here.

I came across this one. Can anyone tell me if that is any good? Or does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts?

I would rather buy from a Canadian store but as seeing as I have yet to find one I would see how you kind folks reply.

Thanks in advance!
With this system if you dont have to use the net pots I wouldnt, it might damage the roots when you try to seperate them to transplant.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go too overboard with the gel, you don't want to clog the sprayers and things with it.