Help with a fertilizer decision..


Well-Known Member
I have some plants growing and they are in their final containers. About 3 weeks old. I have some blood meal that is good for veg and bone meal that is good for flowering. I was gonna put them both in pretty soon because I heard that blood meal is used up starting right away during veg, and bone meal takes time to break down into a useable form which is done about the time flowering starts. I was wondering if that is all the fertilizer I should use or if I should use some more, I have miracle grow all purpose plant fodd (it isnt bad like everyone says, its worked great) and I was also wondering if i should use molasses with it or no??


Active Member
I would post this in the organics and you might get more hits. But I would definitely use molasses during flowering.


Well-Known Member
if i were you i would search botanicare on ebay and check out some of the great deals you can get. i did and the results are definately worth it. good luck