Help with aero cloner setup please!


Active Member
I just got the materials in 10k's cheapo aero cloner and just have one important question, what do you hook the timer up too ? The heater or the air pump and at what intervals? Any help would be great thanks!


Well-Known Member
You will not need a timer with the air pump you want it to be on 24/7.
The heater could prob be timed with some trial and error and a thermometer.
Depending on how cold the room is you may not need a heater.

The time is prob for your lights.

I would not place container directly on floor either.


Well-Known Member
I swear it said to be on for 30 and off for 60-90..i built one a few days ago to clone some garden plants for a friend...who to believe??


Well-Known Member
I have just built one and it successfully rooted 7 out of 7 clones, I kept the temp to 24 with an aquarium heater with the thermostat.
I had a timer on the pump doing 30min/30min.
I had the pump going 24/7 when the roots came out and I added 1/4 nutes then.
Either way I think the clones would have rooted with 24/7 or not, the plants seem to be really strong.
the only thing I was told to watch was the temps.
Ah also I didn't use any lights whatsoever, the cloner was near a south facing window but would never get direct sunlight. the light thing might depend on the strain though as mine is a strain that likes the outdoors I didn't want to stress it with lights.


Well-Known Member
I just got the materials in 10k's cheapo aero cloner and just have one important question, what do you hook the timer up too ? The heater or the air pump and at what intervals? Any help would be great thanks!
here is a link of my aero cloner $$ my WM aero bubbler cloning machine $$

hope this can help, this homemade setup works great for me

i dont use any heater or dome, just keep the room temp at 80f

good luck :joint: :mrgreen: :peace:


Active Member
Well 7 out of 24 rooted without the timer, the thing i dont understand is the pull up timer he described has only 4 on/off settings, to time it on the far end of the spectrum (30/90) you need at least 24 settings. Any ideas or feedback would be great !


Active Member
Well that sucked, out of 7 that did root only 5 survived the transplant into soil, guess ill have to go buy a better timer unless somone has an idea for me
(I hope)


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about soil but I have put mine in the expanded clay when they had plenty of roots and were actually growing a little bit, they all had new sets of leaves.

how long have you waited before transplant?


Active Member
I transplanted right after I saw the roots were 1/2 inch long, they went from cloner to soil in seconds. But 2 of the plants just went limp. I think i just got impatient scince they have been in there for a month (appearently it doesnt work well without a timer) There was only 1 root 1/2 long


Active Member
Hi, well I got a digital timer and set it for 30 on 60 off like it said. Every single clone wilted and died in days ! I dont understand I followed directions exactly.
Any suggestions anyone would have would be greatly appreciated