Help With Blueberry Mutant? Weird growth?

Well I got my veg room set up 1 month ago as an experiment. So Far from ten feminized seeds 5 WhiteWidow and 5 BlueBerry from dutch passion - I've lost two at germination and pulled the other two due to slow growth and bad coloring (just didn't think they would make it). The set up is top drip feed with Dutch Master three part system. Pioneer 6 Grow light with vent out at the top of closet. vent in from room. Rez in secured in a space underneath the tray which sits a 1/2 inch OSB board wrapped in Poly. I wanted to be able to pull out the Rez at any time.

I now know that i gave to much to soon. Nutes were 3/4 strength an still at 500 ppm since I started nutes after first true leaves and stop at flushed at node 2. I realized I should have just gave them B1 for the first couple of weeks then nutes but ol' well. So I flush them after about 2 and a half weeks of nutes and just gave them b1(thrive alive 1-1-1) for a week. This proved to be a good move since they looked very unhealthy before the treatment(B1) and I had to trim the first leaves due to the stalk and branches turning PURPLE ( i read up on that here too) and tips of leaves were burning(Nute burn and lock out at the same time). I see that this is a bad sign now. The flush, a trim, and week of thrive alive turned everything green again and now im back to nutes at 350 PPM basically at week two all over again. The biggest are at standing a 3 inches and and smallest at 2 inches

The main reason I am posting here is I would like those who are familiar with POLYPLOID to see if this is whats going on with my two of my Blueberry's. The biggest is showing signs of this trait along with another plant. It might be temporary I will have to wait it out. I think the 2 WhiteWidows are going to be fine after all the stress on them its seems to have normal node growth two north two south. Nubie observation.

Also what are the thoughts on not consistently turning the lights off and on for a 20/24 cycle I realized this shitty timer I got was not working. Also temps up to 85 and humidty at 50% should be ok at Veg. right?

Uncle Ben I hope you commit on this cause I really like your post and responses typically if you write it I read it so give me your thoughts percentage of such success of getting these girls to 18 inches
Here are some pics the plant with my hand in it is the suspect. so if you got answers shoot em back here.



Well-Known Member
Well, you seem to have a pretty good idea what caused the mutation, and i totally agree. The plants will probably start to look a little more normal as they get bigger, and should provide a decent yield. My only suggestion, would be to not take any clones from those mutated plants because they are mutated forever, and all their clones will be mutated. Sometimes you get lucky, and the mutations will provide a really good yield, with all that crazy growth, so keep your fingers crossed. :wink:

Also...85* and 50% RH is good for vegging, and almost exactly where my growroom stays. It would be a little better to keep the temp closer to 80*, but not necessary. They should be a-okay. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Mutants r awsome, ive been growing this strain fer a while (its a ak-47xjuicy fruit) and one of the clones i had mutated and kinda toped itself, but it ended up being the most potent and resin cover out of three plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude.... clone that shit for sure.... that's an awesome mutation.... probably gonna get you more yield too... I love how the main stem comes up and then just splits into 2... and then splits into 2 again.... pretty cool + rep