help with butane bho blast

so i had not much time lately but im back in it now.thanks guys for the help!!
what is a bit weird is i cant find "sparkless heating plate" with thermostat for ac220v anywhere ,maybe i calling it wrong?
another little thing is the coffee filters its seams they got different grades and different material if some one can drop an link of a tested one will be mach appraised
Where to begin? Yes, safety first! Use metal containers {chrome plated aluminum salad bowl ideal and dollar store fare} for collection vessels. Only use water as a heat source until 95% of gas offed, then move to heated vacuum chamber or heat to 145C to complete off gassing in open recovery vessel. Note that additional pressure or heat to overcome surface tension of the oil to completely get rid of your gas necessary, adding a small amount of alcohol will help if needed. Alcohol at 99.9% a good tool to have present for spills and reversing any mistakes. Dry and powder your sample matrix, pack tightly and then freeze before blasting. With cans go slow, maybe wait 30 minutes after the first sign of solvent exiting the sample matrix for a soak, then continue until clear.
how mach is small amount for the alcohol?
and i add it only after 95% is evaporate right?

Any amount of alcohol will be boiled off so it is a matter of experimentation, perhaps start with 10% to 15% of the volume of solvent/oil output. I would recommend that you visit a medical equipment vendor and buy a gallon of "surgical alcohol" @ 99.9% to avoid water contamination. Here, in Canada the price pre-Covid19 was under $20, now close to $50 per gallon.
Any amount of alcohol will be boiled off so it is a matter of experimentation, perhaps start with 10% to 15% of the volume of solvent/oil output. I would recommend that you visit a medical equipment vendor and buy a gallon of "surgical alcohol" @ 99.9% to avoid water contamination. Here, in Canada the price pre-Covid19 was under $20, now close to $50 per gallon.
cool man thanks. but can you explain it to me what the purpose of the alcohol ?
can i blast it into silicone cooking plate? i mean is it safe from any chemical reaction,its seems to be easier to work with...

still im not sure with what coffee filters should i use(they have different grade types and different colors and materials as well)
and i cant find any sparkless heating plate with thermostat for ac220v
The alcohol reduces the surface tension of the oil allowing easier degassing and any clean up efforts. When making oil and the need to "polish" or apply some color remediation arises then dilute with alcohol and run through a Buchner filter before boiling off the alcohol.
The alcohol reduces the surface tension of the oil allowing easier degassing and any clean up efforts. When making oil and the need to "polish" or apply some color remediation arises then dilute with alcohol and run through a Buchner filter before boiling off the alcohol.
tanks for the info but dont forget i try to do it diy and as cheap as possible and i dont have buchner filter.wouldnt it be mach harder to purge with the alcohol?
do you have any suggestion for coffee filters?
and how about blast and purge on silicon backing mold?(any efect on taste or smell , any unwanted chemical reaction)
Purge requires heat, vacuum or both. If using only heat then water would be your safest heat source. this is why you blast into a metal container, the conductivity of the metal plus the btu's from the water does the initial degassing without threat of fire or explosion.
Coffee filters are 25 microns and suit the purpose of filtering adequately.
Purge requires heat, vacuum or both. If using only heat then water would be your safest heat source. this is why you blast into a metal container, the conductivity of the metal plus the btu's from the water does the initial degassing without threat of fire or explosion.
Coffee filters are 25 microns and suit the purpose of filtering adequately.
thanks man.there no problem to put baking paper on the metal and blast on it right?
i ordered this stainless steal 25micron filters:
is it good? should i use 1 or 2?

also correct me if im wrong: the whole point of vac chamber purge is to use less heat for the same results (negative pressure) but if i purge under 130f so its not supposed to be a problem right?
also is it make sense to wait for cold and low humid day for blast?
grind the weed for 2mm for best yield and potency right?
Blast into the metal container and finish in the metal container. Use only water as a heat source until most of the degassing is complete, then use a hot-plate to finish as you may have to get the oil to around 145C max then let it cool a bit and repeat until no bubbles. To avoid condensation problems less humidity is best.