yeah well it depends on the manufacture of the nutes, hell even each batch may need a small adjustment to the amount/dosage.
When i say im using half dose, thats simply as i havnt had to add at full strength. (The Ca Mg supp), so if i dont have to then why waste twice the amount, of you get me. Some will have to use it at full strength. And some don't need it at all,
If your looking for more reading try the Canna Talk mag/website. I really only look at the Q and A section, but it has loads of questions that have been asked and is worth a look. I mention it as in there they talk about the boost having no EC, and being a true booster, blah blah,
are you following the Canna schedule? Just as that may help you to compare dosages to ec. So if they say 25ml a and b with 25 ml cannazym, should have an ec of say 1.1 and you mix up a batch and your ec is way off, you can adjust from there.
just type in your parameters and away you go.... Kinda.
The cal mag is for a deficiency yeah, then you could always not include it in the res, and foliar feed/spray the plant if you having trouble.
Im using a Ca and Mg supp as i blessed with below 0.1 ec tap water. And am in coco. And soil. But i always get a Mg deficiency , sorry i wont go on about why i use it, but what i trying to get to is you should use it to get to 0.2 ec max, not by what the bottle says. As i said though, if its for a def. then you can foliar feed.
you asked if the plant would get blocked with high or higher ec's. Well there a few thing that could happen. When the plant is given the new feed/water and the ec is to high, the water in the plant is alot greater than the feed/water solution just given. This can draw the water outta the plant through osmosis. Causing issues....(logically you do this in reverse when in soil)
In soil the same can happen, but lots of things make it work differently to hydro of course.
other issues with high ec's, well i have found, is when mixing, if done quickly, can cause elements to precipitate out of solution. (Small white blobs form. I found this when i added Cal max (its Grotek's Ca Mg Fe supp) to my mix first,then my base. So i switched it round and it still did it. Dropped the Cal Max to half dose and added second and no issues. Same happened with the Cal max and Cannazym,,..? Could get my head round that... Anyway)
Not only can the high ec cause that sort of problem. When in solution, and being used , the ratios of whats in solution change, affecting EC and pH,as well as water volume. So say for example you are using alot, or too much Ca for example, when the plant isnt using that much, each 'drink' takes in some of everything, but only a little Ca. This would then leave all this Ca let over, blocking uptake of other elements , such as K, Mg, Mn, B.
Other elements that are in excess will block others etc.
Sorry if that sounds abit 'you dont know so let me tell you.' I dont mean it to be. And i just dont know how much detail to go into.
im sorry if this is long winded or isnt very specific, but im quite high and cant remember all of the details on biology and such. You can look it up to get alot more info than i could ever give.
Hopefully these bumps will get someone else to chime in with more exp than me.
Try get a pic up, that normally get attention.
take it easy