Help with Carbon filter fan combo 2500cfm


I recently moved and smell where I lived previously was not a problem, but now it is..In the past I had a 6x24 Phresh filter hooked up to a 6" 400 cfm fan to scrub my room (its sealed). Now since i moved I went a little overboard on the size of filter I bought to scrub the room, my neighbors are very close. Now I'm trying to figure out what fan would be compatible with my new filter and still function properly. Since I know Phresh is a good brand from experience I went with Phresh again. I bought a 14x48 2500cfm filter LOL, probably big enough for a warehouse and I have nothing close to a warehouse in fact its a 8x16 sealed room. I was told that you can reduce the fan to prolong the life of the filter. Again this filter will only be used for scrubbing so the filter will just have fan hooked directly to it and set in room (no bends, no ducting). SO,,,,, what's the smallest size inline fan I can get away with to have the filter function properly as a scrubber and save life of filter and save $ on electricity using a smaller fan? Any help is much appreciated


No one seems to be able to answer this question?
I need help please, I was considering buying a 14" Max-Fan its 1700cfm and only uses bit more than 2 amps, but super expensive. The 10" is a lot cheaper does little over 1000cfm and uses almost the same electricity....Will the filter still work properly with the 10" Max-Fan that is a little over 1000cfm? Or do I need to rethink this and get a smaller filter?


Well-Known Member
Smell is subjective.

2500 cfm rating is the MAXIMUM its rated for. You could put a 400 cfm fan on it, but it probably wouldn't filter enough smell for your liking.

Who knows what your level of smell requirement is, or how much bud your trying to hide the smell of.

- Jiji


I appreciate your input, I see you help out so many people on this site. That is very nice of you to share your knowledge. So I have 4 1000s with 4 under each lamp and they smell............ a lot.... so technically based on what the Phresh site says is I need about 1200cfm worth of scrubbing in this size room so I could run the 6x24 Phresh filter hooked up to a 6" 400 cfm and then hook up a fan to the monster that is equivalent too 800 or so which certainly opens up my options on cost a ton for a new the bigger filter should be alright with about 800cfm being pulled through it? Or would it be more effective to sell this big ass thing on CL and with the money just buy 2 more 6x24 Phresh filter hooked up to a 6" 400cfm combos? I know I am overthinking this I just want to do it right. Neighbors seem nice enough but those are the ones that scare me LOL


Well-Known Member
Don't sell it on craigslist.

Personally I would try it out with an 8 inch quality centrifugal fan (nothing smaller). They can be relatively cheap, and your not exhausting so you should be ok. I'm not guaranteeing this will work, but I think it will. I've scrubbed 4ks with large phat and 6inch fan, it works pretty decent, but not the paranoid level.

- Jiji


I bought a 10" max-fan over 1000cfm and only 1.9amps.... was my best option for overall picture.
So I am using the filter I bought no need to sell it on craigslist.
Out of curiosity what do you have against craigslist?
Thanks for your help BTW after seeing that a quality 8 inch would work I'm sure I did good


Well-Known Member
i can tell u how to kill smell

the filter is good .........that is part one .....part 2 is a ozone gen (u said 10 inch )

this get added into the ducting after it pass the fan ........the Ozone in the ducting will kill any other smell the exhuast will smell like hospital air

i own a indoor ozone gen

i use this when i am cutting or smoking kills the smell perfectly .......i have stoner buddies they could not smell shit ....and i had lbs in my drying tent

yes i know it cost but that ducting one will take care of all your worries


Well-Known Member
i can tell u how to kill smell

the filter is good .........that is part one .....part 2 is a ozone gen (u said 10 inch )

this get added into the ducting after it pass the fan ........the Ozone in the ducting will kill any other smell the exhuast will smell like hospital air

i own a indoor ozone gen

i use this when i am cutting or smoking kills the smell perfectly .......i have stoner buddies they could not smell shit ....and i had lbs in my drying tent

yes i know it cost but that ducting one will take care of all your worries
Ozone damage destroys your sense of smell.

Exhausting ozone INTO a grow room is not reccomended. Using it as a second line of smell treatment AFTER it has been exhausted from any growing or living spaces is completely reccomended.


Well-Known Member
Ozone damage destroys your sense of smell.

Exhausting ozone INTO a grow room is not reccomended. Using it as a second line of smell treatment AFTER it has been exhausted from any growing or living spaces is completely reccomended.
no the ozone gen is in the ducting out........the dump air .......the air u are worried about smelling of weed good carbon filter bad carbon filter that ozone gen in the line would cover it to a point that dogs would not detect it (and isn't that the whole point ppl can smell it is the dogs that gets the warrant into the house)

the thing i linked yah is designed for homes it does not put out enough to harm u but it does put off enough to effectively hide the fact u just clipped a half pound in the room 30 mins before the ppl came over and they smelled nothing (the smoking factor was tested with 4 heavy smokers drunk no haze )

i never said anything about exposing it to plants


Well-Known Member
i hate to say it but if u can downgrade to a 6 inch ........with the ozone in there u can say it is a AC/heating unit for the room .......just keep the shades down so they can not see in and if they can just the ducting to the tie in

they sell window kits just for this reason .....even sliding glass door kits ..........they might have a 10 inch hook in


I'm in a sealed room.... this would not work, but thank you...I know your intentions are good, but you are trying to kill me and my family. :cry:
The 10inch max-fan 1019cfm seems to be doing the trick with this filter (sucking through the filter out the fan), and I am glad I got efficient fan since it runs constant and only uses 1.9amps.....
This is just being used as a scrubber and all air stays inside of room