Help with cfl's please

because i would say the horticultural bulbs are more efficient then the security lamps...sorry for jacking your thread but cfls are lame.....


Well-Known Member
if i were to head to wal mart to get cfl's for a grow of one plant right now what type and how many should i get for vegging, and what type and how many should i get for flowering? i guess that would be about as helpful as anyone could be
if i were to head to wal mart to get cfl's for a grow of one plant right now what type and how many should i get for vegging, and what type and how many should i get for flowering? i guess that would be about as helpful as anyone could be
for one plant you can get that 500 watt cfl floodlight or you can get 2-4 42 watt cfls daylight and warm spectrum


Well-Known Member
typically you would use the cooler daylight spectrum for vegging and the warmer side for flowering. but in your case with using CFLs, i would get a couple from each end of the spectrum and just use them all for the entire time. actually you would only need one of each to start out and then gradually add more as needed...


Well-Known Member
CFL's are lame!?!? i have my entire setup off three 23 watt cfl's and a 48" 13 watt flouro plant light with two plants in it and each one is growing more than a half inch per day........its doing great and i haven't had a problem one plant is 2 months and a week old and its doing awesome....i mean don't get me wrong hps's are the shit but cfl's are working just fine for me and it was cheap.........and yes it saves like 200$ in a five year period so u could do the math>>>>

Check out my plant and the setup...its rigged together but there isn't anything wrong with it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Marijuana Growing - SmokeDr420's Album: Indoor Plant!!!any advice??


Well-Known Member
haha...i just wanted to give him an idea of my setup thats all but man cfl's are good for veg...i'll say that hehe


Well-Known Member
yeah hookin up like 12x12 CFLs and making a hood for them lol why not just get a mh or hps at that point...
CFL's are lame!?!? i have my entire setup off three 23 watt cfl's and a 48" 13 watt flouro plant light with two plants in it and each one is growing more than a half inch per day........its doing great and i haven't had a problem one plant is 2 months and a week old and its doing awesome....i mean don't get me wrong hps's are the shit but cfl's are working just fine for me and it was cheap.........and yes it saves like 200$ in a five year period so u could do the math>>>>

Check out my plant and the setup...its rigged together but there isn't anything wrong with it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Marijuana Growing - SmokeDr420's Album: Indoor Plant!!!any advice??
ok i was saying in a one light set up just get a h.i.d in two closet set ups use cfls/florors for veg and hps for makes no send=se to use 4-8 bulbs of cfls when u can get a 150 hps for the same price...
yeah its worth it more than cfls....150 hps is good thru all stages for up to 2-4 plants cfls you got to add alot for at least a week amount of bud...


Well-Known Member
but dont hps and whatever else run up the electric bill as apposed to cfl's?
400 watts of electricity is 400 watts of electricity, doesn't matter if it is a HPS light, A CFL light or the TV.

It's the same as leaving 4 lamps on running incandescent bulbs, how many people lose sleep over having 4 lamps on ?


Well-Known Member
400 watts of electricity is 400 watts of electricity, doesn't matter if it is a HPS light, A CFL light or the TV.

It's the same as leaving 4 lamps on running incandescent bulbs, how many people lose sleep over having 4 lamps on ?

from reading i hear that cfls could actually decrease your bill if u replaced incandesent and if the hps increases it for how wouls this work


Well-Known Member
from reading i hear that cfls could actually decrease your bill if u replaced incandesent and if the hps increases it for how wouls this work
It works like this, you replace 100 watt incandescent with a 32 watt CFL and you are saving 70 watts, thus saving money on your electric bill by burning less electric.

The problem I have with CFL's is the fact they always seem to burn out at exactly one year from the time I install them, next time you change one put the date on it and see if your results are the same. You aren't really saving money when you figure out the cost of the replacingthe bulb every year.

Anyway, back to where we were, if you replace a 100 watt incandescent with 100 watt hps you'd see no difference because you are burning the same amount of electric. If you switched out some incandescent with CFL's and added an HPS you would end up breaking even.

understand ?