help with choice of ballast! in grow tent - 250 or 150 watts

hi ! sorry my english not french so i do the best i can !

i just buy a grow tent.. size is :

20'' deep x 36'' width x 60'' tall
all in reflective mylar inside with hole and all!

i got to make choice of ballast now!
my goal its to have 2-3 plants inside it to grow,bud and harvest...

got special on digital ballast in my grow shop but i want some exterior advice...
digital ballast suppose to increase lumens by around 30%

the guys at the shop tell me that his 150 watt HPS/MH will make it for 2 plant for sure
but some other guys i know tell me to go with 250 HPS/MH or even 400 watt..

defenetly 400 watt too high for me so i wonder about the 150 or the 250!
in a grow tent i wonder about temperature even with the fan! 150 watt will make more lumens than the outside normal sun ?! im right?

i want small amount of plants but i expect to win on quality and big budz!

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Digital ballast won't boost lumens, but it will run cooler. (read: less hot). Get a 250 in that space. And have a fan running to exhaust the tent.

To answer your question: No, 150w will not make more lumens that the sun. Unless it's cloudy?!...


nothink come close to the sun dude and never will im having the same problem as you not to sure to go with a 300w cfl or 250 hps never grown with cfl b4 god it so hard to pick


New Member
Have you ever heard any CFL growers brag about their heavy tight nugs?

I would spring for the 250w... avoid disappointment by blowing money on 150w only to realize you should have gone with more light. You will have to spend money on ventilation either way.