help with choosing cheap and right cfl bulb for 1-2 plants!


Sure... I get my stuff from Indoor-garden.

250 Watt CFL and lead...

If you are only getting one, get the 2700k one. not the 6500k one.

If you want to buy 2x 125CFL then I would suggest 1 2700k and 1 6500k.

Something like -

You will see, cheaper to buy the 250watt cfl instead of 2 125s... would be more effective with the 125s tho... cover a better area, closer to plants, cover both spectrums.


Well-Known Member
Hey man,

You can make those yourself, just pickup the parts (cord and connectors) from pretty much any hardware store.

Bunnings, Masters, Mitre 10 etc.

And for the bulbs you can get plenty of cheap ones on if you want the stuff fast then order from within Australia only, but you're going
to pay a premium for it. Otherwise order from China / Hongkong and you'll get it within a week or two for much cheaper.

If you're just starting out you may want to consider just buying a cheap kit, there is a few on ebay which have the 130W kits
130W Growlush kit (with 6400k bulb) $76 AUD including delivery.
130W Growlush kit (with both 6400k & 2700k bulbs) $94 AUD including delivery.

Which state are you in?


New Member
thanks guys!

could you please either send me some links from ebay or online to get me started, my wiring and electrical skills aren't to flash so i wouldn't want to make a fire hazard or anything. just something simple enough a beginner could do! thanks i really appreciate it !
These people are making it too difficult from what Im reading.. Just get three light outlets from wal mart, three 55w [actual wattage not "equivalent to"] I think it's the biggest cfl they sell there, take three pieces of board, use two of to put on the side of the middle one but make sure they're angled towards the plant. Hook up the three electrical outlets to a cord (red to red, black to black) in a direct series (no need for alternating series circuit). And there's your high class lighting system.. EDIT: forgot you were in Australia, so wal mart might not be available.