help with clones


Active Member
hi there I have just taken some clones from ssh mother plants they are In rockwool and they are under a 300w blue cfl with the mother on 18hrs on 6 hrs off thay have been in the rockwool for 8 days now and there is no signs of roots although I have tested them and left the lid of the propergater off all day and they havnt wilted ..... can any one help ... thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert in cloning. But I use a diy bubble cloner and keep my room temp at 80 and run a 40w flour tube 24/7. I've had roots in as little as 48 hours. and toss them if they go over 7 days.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert in cloning. But I use a diy bubble cloner and keep my room temp at 80 and run a 40w flour tube 24/7. I've had roots in as little as 48 hours. and toss them if they go over 7 days.

Aero is faster than using a dome. And like the other guy said, it could take 2 weeks or more. Plus it would be better to keep them under 24 hours of light.


don't lose patience mate. clones don't shoot out roots right away. give them more time. it can take up to 2 weeks for the roots to come out.. have you tried you tried using rooting gel or powder on them?


Well-Known Member
Don't test them by leaving dome off. Just added stress. You'll know when the roots are developed when they stick out the bottom of the cube...assuming they are the small 1" or 1 1/2" cloning cubes. Are you using a cloning heating pad under? That speeds things up.


Well-Known Member
One caveat to my feeding comment above. If you have clones that are looking healthy except turning can foliar feed nitrogen nute.


Active Member
Fuck the 18/6. Go 24/0 on clones!
Yeah, but they don't require a very strong light at all. And a heating mat does help. You don't need to chuck them after seven days, that's bullshit, especially if you aren't using an aero cloner. Takes longer the conventional way.