Help with cloning!

I need to know if cloning gel is necessary in an aerogarden or will roots grow without it?
I recently cloned two plants and they havent shown any signs in 3 days so I was just wondering. All help is appreciated


yo dude
I just did that actually. I was too lazy to get around ordering the grow gel...and still haven't...and prolly still wont.
Actually, I should have written it down, but roots grew out of BOTH my clones with no gel. It's possible it took like 3-4 week though...but they showed up.
And they're getting LONGER and LONGER by the day.


One of the clones is in the Aero Garden and the other in just a glass of water!
I am actually going to keep it in that glass for fun....see how far it goes...or how much I'll yield off it.
Oh the water I put in it though, is the same water I give to the I give it like 1/2 of water w/nutes in the cup and change that out like once a day...sometimes once every other day...
I'll get some pics of them this weekend so you can see.

They took a long time though,. The grow gel might have cut that time in half...but whatever.
I just could not toss those toppings while I had no gel. Figured pop one in the AG and one in a cup of water....better than in the trash....


Well-Known Member
I need to know if cloning gel is necessary in an aerogarden or will roots grow without it?
I recently cloned two plants and they havent shown any signs in 3 days so I was just wondering. All help is appreciated
I've tried it three ways: gel, Schultz's rooting powder and water. Gel worked best, powder second and pH balanced water with Technaflora's cutting/germinating nutes formula worked as well. Spiderball was right though, we're talking weeks not days. I don't usually expect to see much for about two weeks and that's with spray bottle foliar feeding two tho three times a day. If you're going to do it in a glass of water make sure it's pH balanced and it's transparent red glass or plastic. I learned that from a friend and it does make a difference. Look for a red, plastic, wide bottomed, narrow necked bud vase at the ninety-nine cents store. That's where I got mine and use it all the time to clone Basil for a friend at work who has a brown thumb. Everything she touches dies. I just set it next to my A/G for light and it works great. Do you know that you can get three cloning trays and a humidity dome from you local hydroponics store for about $12 and it'll accommodate 50 clones.
Oh, So I just need to wait. That does make sense because a whole new root system can't form in a few days. And Spiderball keep me updated on your clones as well!


Np, just check out my grow. I'll put updates there on them.
I need to do something when them though...cause I'm sure all the transparency in the glass is gonna cause the roots to rot...
I need to take both clones and move them into something appropriate...or I'll lose them I think...


Well-Known Member
Np, just check out my grow. I'll put updates there on them.
I need to do something when them though...cause I'm sure all the transparency in the glass is gonna cause the roots to rot...
I need to take both clones and move them into something appropriate...or I'll lose them I think...
Hence the transparent, red colored glass or plastic bud vase. I'm rooting some basil in mine right now for my neighbor.