Help with curing please...


Active Member
Hi Im pretty new at growing and I just grew some nice ladies...Attached....and i want to know the best way to cure...I mean I have tried before and just didnt work hanging then jarring.....I know at harvest time they smell so good and are a great colour...then when you hang they dull in colour and the smell isnt there any more rather then maybe a musty smell( no mold) but this happens pretty much right question is is that normal? and i have read many ways to dry and cure...but what is the best way anyone?.....For temp and forcast Il just north of Detroit in Can.



Active Member
i am also sw ontario and mine aren't ready yet? am also interested in hearing answere to question my first full grow this year as well, i know i tried a couple years ago and it ended up smelling like hay and never could get it smelling or tasteing just right, was very harsh smoke.


Active Member
Yeah i had some reall cold weather come up and pulled early little immature but none the less good....I had to diff. generations going one in the ground and other in pro mix soil in containerss...the ones in the ground grew smaller but with more goo so to speak....odd....but my question is do they normally lose that punjent smell after you hang....and mine really they get that smell back?