Help with damaged White Widow Leaves..


This is my 1st indoor soil grow. I have 6 plants and 3 are White Widows about 3 weeks old.

I have them in a closet that is 3x3x8 covered with Mylar. I have an exhaust fan and keep th temp around 75 and the humidity at about 40.

The were purhcased from a medical dispensary in Colrado in 16oz cups on 10/15/10. They were probably a week old then so maybe they are almost 1 month old now.

I transplanted them to 1 gal pots on 10/19/10 and am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting soil.

I did feed them a general size feeding of Fox farm Grow Big on 10/19/10 but then was told the soil has enough nutrients for a few weeks to a month. They were fine but the last few weeks they have been getting these small brown rusty looking spots and then the ends of the leaves turn blackish and dry up and curl.

Please help..The 1000watt light is 3 1/2 feel away and it is not a heat problem. It's either a nutrient deficiency or a case over maybe a case of nutrient burn from the 1st feeding?

I should also note one of them that I cut some of the fan leaves off turned from dark green to light green in a matter of days.


hey..thanks for responding. Yes..I spray them all the time with a water bottle. I may have added a small amount of Foxfarm growbig once..would that do it?

grow space

Well-Known Member
u dont have to feed the so often at least not in the early stage..let the roots develop and let it be, and then start your dosages gradually working form low end to finally doing as just the label on the fertilizer bottle says.

They were also transplanted 2 days ago into 5 gallon pots. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest mixed with that white stuff(perolite?) and I put 2 inches of rocks at the bottom for drainage.

My question is the lady at the grow store told me not to add any nutes for atleast 3 weeks..sound right? Also, my closet is only 8 feet high. Minus 2 feet for the light (1000w MH) tall do you think the plants will get and do you see a need to top them to keep them shorter?

The guy at the MJ dispensary told me the amount of bud will not change and I would have 2 smaller top colas rather than 1 big one...

Thoughts anyone?

grow space

Well-Known Member
oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
yeah, if u dont adjust your lights from time to time to get the most out of your plant and your lights !

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So my light is as high as it can go and I have 3 1/2 feet left between the tops and the lights. Is that enough? tall do you think they will get if I don't top them?

grow space

Well-Known Member
its all in the light ventialtion baby....keep the light cool and put it as close u can get without burning the tops ..put your hand under the light and see for yourself how hot is hot form a distance..if your hand feels warm and nice and shit then u can put it that close, u know what i mean dude..sorry, im high :lol:
and i cant tell u how high it can get, it all depends on many factors!