Help with Deficiency

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member

Pardon my not using "reply". Soon again I hope.

Take the time to get the coco thing dialed in and you should be happy!
As far as pHing goes. Just pH all the in-going to the proper range (5.8 - 6.2 for me in any hydro) and you should be OK. It's that salt build up thing that screws with it. As always, pHing run-off is not the best way to attempt to figure "container" pH!

Personally, I'm stuck with soil as my choice. I build it, I re-amend it and re-use it.
I might have simply done an Ebb or an RWDC (if you want to go hydro)......I never really liked coco.....Don't get me wrong! IT works fine! It worked for me!
I just never got to "liking" it = too much work..

See here, the thing is that you need to dial in a method for a perpetual grow and stick with it....Test/experiment with others in a small scale and if you master that, and like it better? Switch to that....