Help with diagnosis of plant. Light green fan leaves


Active Member
One if my 6 medical plants have a few large fan leaves at bottom of one plant with lime green leaves. My first thought might be over watering. I'm using vermifire soil in 7 gallon grow bags for the first time. The soil drains slower, plus I have never used that big of pots. The 6 plants are on 18/6 light cycle and getting fox farm nurients at 3/4 strength. This is the end of week 1 and plants were transplanted last Monday morning from 1 gallon pots to 7 gallon grow bags. They are under two 600 watt HID MH lights. All plant are tied down to promote more tops. Plants were topped early when they reached 12". Now they are 20" if the weren't tied down. 2 THC bombs, 2 White Widow, 2 Northern lights skunk hybrid. This is my second grow. What do you think is happened to my White Widow plant? If you need another pic further away I can take another pic.



Well-Known Member
I haven't used Vermifire soil but googled it and see it is advertised as nutrient rich and good for 30 days without nutes. Given you just fertilized, it seems implausible that they are hungry, even though they have the color of hungry leaves. The fact that the leaves still have some shine on them really makes me think you have a lockout issue. Lockout could be ph or too much of one nutrient.

Nitrogen seems to be what is missing from the faded color so it may be that you are too high in potassium, which will lock out nitrogen. You can google "antagonistic nutrient charts" and see what gets locked out when something is too high.

So my best guess is your ph is off or your potassium is too high. I would see if you can investigate that soil more for nutrient content. Good luck!


Active Member
I haven't used Vermifire soil but googled it and see it is advertised as nutrient rich and good for 30 days without nutes. Given you just fertilized, it seems implausible that they are hungry, even though they have the color of hungry leaves. The fact that the leaves still have some shine on them really makes me think you have a lockout issue. Lockout could be ph or too much of one nutrient.

Nitrogen seems to be what is missing from the faded color so it may be that you are too high in potassium, which will lock out nitrogen. You can google "antagonistic nutrient charts" and see what gets locked out when something is too high.

So my best guess is your ph is off or your potassium is too high. I would see if you can investigate that soil more for nutrient content. Good luck!
Checked soil and PH was between 7-6.5 which is a bit high. How would I fix this? Don't want nutrient lockout of N.


Active Member
Tested water run off and it's PH was 5. Soil tested between 7-6.5.Very worried about whole medical crop now. I fertilized them during first week in soil that does need added nutrients. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
Your soil ph sounds good but your run off is low ph. What is the ph of your water and ph of your nutrient solution? How are you measuring the soil ph?

I water with 5.5 ph water all the time but my soil buffers it up. Adding lime to your soil mix helps. You can also add some wood ash to your water to quickly increase ph.

I am confused as to why you think your soil needs more nutrients in first week of use. Why do you say this?


Active Member
Your soil ph sounds good but your run off is low ph. What is the ph of your water and ph of your nutrient solution? How are you measuring the soil ph?

I water with 5.5 ph water all the time but my soil buffers it up. Adding lime to your soil mix helps. You can also add some wood ash to your water to quickly increase ph.

I am confused as to why you think your soil needs more nutrients in first week of use. Why do you say this?
It is a mistake using FF nutrient schedule first week. Just a dumb mistake.
I use spring water and the PH is between 6.5-7. My tap water is hard and won't work.
I use a $25 soil meter that can test water hydration and light also. I use a water PH kit for runoff.
FF nutrients usually bring PH down a lot when you reach blooming nutrients. Not there yet.

Since it is so early in grow should I flush roots and replant to get a fresh start again? I have never used wood ash or bought it. Should I be using water now above 7 PH?


Well-Known Member
Wood ash is just ash from a fireplace, no reason to buy it.

I'm not seeing classic signs of over-feeding in your pic so not sure I would flush just yet. Just the potassium was my concern, but agree no reason to feed them anything so early.

Is your spring water really low ph? I would find some wood ash and just ph your water to 6.5-7.0 range and see if they perk up. Probably flush them with ph'd water as a last resort. Put a little lime in your dirt at next transplant to help buffer going forward if you think ph is the issue.