Help with diagnosis...


I've been lurking the forum for a few months now and this is my first post. I have a few grows behind me and I've been very fortunate not to have problems. All while being minimally involved with the grows. However tonight I did my night check after the lights come on and find this. 2012-05-13_00-32-58_820.jpg2012-05-13_00-28-58_18.jpg
Can anyone help me diagnose this issue. I am 4.5 weeks into flower. I've view numerous posts, pictures and even you tube videos but cant come to a conclusion. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Hey man I can't see the pics but the way I usually figure out my problem is I google image search what my plant is doing and find an image that looks identical and usually I can read the thread to understand more. Wish you luck


Well-Known Member
Most likely a N deficiency. The Plant is using more N in flower so it is feeding from the leaves.
It is normal for some leaves to die off during flower. does this effect the whole plant or just some leaves?


Well-Known Member
but the ends are curling and turning brown not very common with nitrogen more with zinc or it could be both, what is the ph of your medium, would help alot


Active Member
I agree with mikmike but lokie is also correct. It looks like a mix of N and Z. Are you using nutes if so what is your ppm and double check your ph to make sure it goes hand in hand with your growing type soil/hydro. Usually unless its a N hungry girl then this should be a easy fix a making sure your ph is correct.


So I will probably get flamed for this but I never check my PH levels. I guess since I've never had a problem I never saw the need to. Now i'm kicking myself in the ass. I had some diagnostics test strips kicking around from testing saliva and urine. I put some soil in a mason jar and some distilled water shook, let sit and tested and it looks about 5.75-6.0 if that helps. Im headed to the store to buy house supplies so if I see on for a good price ill pick one up.


Well-Known Member
What size pot is that? Try some micronute and alittle N. Uncle Ben feeds N in bloom to reduce yellowing. The pot size question as to rootbound and pH will tell you if nutes are locked up.


Im using the trio of fox farm nutes. Is this not sufficient? There in 5 gallon buckets. Pro mix with added perlite.


Nitrogen toxicity? Is that excess or depletion? I vegged for probably 6-8 weeks. I was in the middle of a move and so lost track of calender.
Am I supposed to flush before flowering? I never knew that.


Active Member
toxicity would be from excess buildup in the soil from feeding and the plant not using it all so before you go to flower its not a bad idea to flush the nitrogen out so your plant doesnt get too much when in flowering stage.