Help with Discoloration


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pictures of a Ortega strain grown from clone under 1-400hps and 1-400MH.The plant suddenly started developing this rust looking marks all over.Buds look good just looking like something happened.I only feed 1Tbbsp per gallon of water of Earth Juice Bloom (very weak) when I water every few days.Any info on what this is would be great!!!



Well-Known Member
Probably under fed. Up your feed as they are in flowering and need more food. Also pick up some Earth Juice Microblast and give them a swig of that too.


Well-Known Member
dont do anything until you know for sure what your problem is ..........
to me it looks like a nute burn...
what type of soil are you using.?? miracle grow??


Well-Known Member
I am using fox farm soil with added vermeculite.I use Earth Juice because it is mild.I go by the rec on the label. I use 1tbsp per gallon and I feed pretty much every time I water which is usually every other day or when the top few inches of soil is dry. I have switched to just water on that plant because of the discoloration .I thought maybe nutrient burn but I am just not sure.The microblast seems to make sense to me.I have only used Earth Juice Grow and Bloom.I did overwater once on that plant.Would this drain all the nuts that were in the soil out?Maybe needs more nuts besides just the Earth Juice bloom?