Help with Final Phase clearing solution please!


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have a small bottle of Final Phase clearing flush solution and I would just like some advice on how I should use it. I have looked on the web and most of the directions I have found are for hydro grows. I am growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, but I think this stuff should work for soil too.

How should I apply this? I have about 7-10 days or so until harvest time. Do I just water normally with it, or do I actually totally flush the plants with water mixed with Final Phase?

Also do I need to flush or just use plain water after I use the flushing solution, to rinse it away before I harvest? If so, how many days should I wait after using the Fianl Phase before harvesting?

Thanks to anyone for any help!


Well-Known Member
It's simple, just add the solution to the water and the carbohydrates your using ex. sugar daddy or mollasses ect ect.... for the first intial flush and then nothing but water and your carbs for the rest, peace outties and happy growin...


Well-Known Member
grandmothers unsulphered mollasses they sell it at any grocery store near the syrup for pancakes. You want to add it during the last 2 weeks of flushing.... Oh and only a tbl spoon per gallon. This builds weight on buds


Well-Known Member
When I use Final Phase in dirt - I add 1 tablespoon to a 2 gal water can filled with water only. I flush in the morning and at night for 3-7 days until water runs out of the bottom of the pot . As for using with any other product - Directions say "Use only with water. Do not add to nutrient solution or any other additives". Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys!

I'll use the Final Phase for the next 4 days or so, and then stop using it like 3-5 days before harvest.

Genesis, so do you just water with it or actually flush the plants (i.e. 3 gallons of water for 1 gallon of soil etc.)? Also, do you wait any time between stopping Final Phase and harvesting? I also saw about not mixing it with other products on the side of the bottle.

There are actually instructions for using it with soil on the bottle, but they consist of saying "Use Final Phase solution with properly pH balanced water". Wow, those are some great directions, Advanced Nutrients. :roll:

I also found this at the very bottom of a PDF file about this stuff:

"QUESTION: Can I use Final Phase to get better crops in soil?

ANSWER: Absolutely. Just shorten the cleansing wash time from 6 hours to 2 hours and run a lot of water through to ensure full cleansing. Then let your soil dry out so you don’t waterlog your roots."

I guess I will try giving 1 Tbsp per 2 gal. of water and let it sit for 2 hours, then use plain water after 2 hours to wash it away. I'll do that for the next 3-4 days, then start using plain water only.

If anyone has a better method or it sounds like I'm not using this correctly, please let me know!


Well-Known Member
Just an update for anyone who is interested:

I used the stuff as I said above, and the taste of this harvest was 100x better than the last harvest of this same strain. I flushed the last harvest out using just water without any solution, and it was still pretty harsh, but this time it was very smooth and doesn't make you cough hardly at all. I don't want to sound like I work for AN, but this Final Phase stuff really worked great for me. :D


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I did not see your reply until now. I totally saturate the soil until there is run off. The whole trick with final phase or any other clearing solution is to let the plants feed on just the flush solution. This allows the plant to uptake solution while neutralizing the nutrients. As for waiting - I don`t wait at all. i just flush until I harvest. I have flushed in the morning and harvested the same afternoon. Remember - you are not adding anything to the plant - you are subtracting.
Glad to hear of your success - and I totally agree - the taste is the smoothest.


Well-Known Member
Remember - you are not adding anything to the plant - you are subtracting.
Ah yes, that makes perfect sense now that you put it that way. :) I guess I really didn't think about what it was actually doing.

Thanks for your help!