Help with flowering plant


Active Member
hey everyone,

this plant is about 2 months old, 2 weeks flowering. now this is happening , i'm not sure what to do. any help is appreciated. :weed: first grow. cut some slack :)

Miracle grow soil, no nutes. 4 100 watt equivalents. tap water.



Active Member
They are obviosly burning on could try when you water put them in the tub or something and run a good 3 gallon of water threw the soil.Be sure and let them dry for 2 or 3 days befor watering again.Live and learn they look ruff this early.Everytime your lights turn on you should be in there with a spray bottle of water.Soak everything bottom of leaves soil everything.Plants love it and mites hate it.Are you leaving your water set for a day to leak off any clorine?


Active Member
thanks for the tips, i'll try that tonight. as for the clorine, i leave the bottles sitting open for a day to let everything clear out.

thanks again , appreciate it . i'll keep you updated.

They are obviosly burning on could try when you water put them in the tub or something and run a good 3 gallon of water threw the soil.Be sure and let them dry for 2 or 3 days befor watering again.Live and learn they look ruff this early.Everytime your lights turn on you should be in there with a spray bottle of water.Soak everything bottom of leaves soil everything.Plants love it and mites hate it.Are you leaving your water set for a day to leak off any clorine?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am having the same problem as you only about a month into flowering. All three of my plants are doing it and they are different types. I use tap water some of the time and thought that might be the problem, I'm not sure though. I hope you get it figured out, didn't mean to hijack your thread, but since I don't have pics I hope you don't mind me posting here as well. Good luck on your grow friend.


Active Member
According to the Medical Growers Bible, that crispy dead section is definitely a sign of Phosphorus deficiency. It says to treat it by lowering the soil PH to 5.5-6.5 and hydro 5.5-6.2.