Help with grow box please


Active Member
Hey everyone i was just looking for some help with a grow box im starting. its 1 1/2 feet tall and 5 feet wide and like 2 1/2 wide. i only plan on growing like 2 or 3 plants not to many and i was wonder if 1 intake and 1 outake fan would be good enough to support them since its not such a big box. also i have 2 75 watt 1,500 lumens each flourecent tube fixtures and i was wondering if i needed more lumens to grow? :S i do plan on getting 4 26 watt cfls when i begin flowerings. but are these good for now?


Active Member
From what i know, i think that box is to small for what you need, maybe if you can rotate it so its 5ft tall x1.5x2.5 that might work better, I have a small growing room also ( first attempt) but so far so good for me, you might be able to use it for abit how it is, but aventually you will need more space.
seems like you might need more light, i read you need anywhere from 1k-3k lum's per square foot per plant? Like i said im still new to growing so my expirance is growing with my plant.


Active Member
oh ok cool thanks :) ive had a couple people tell me that the box i have how i have it now should work. the plant SHOULD naturally grow to fit its surroundings so hopefully they will stay fairly small, like little bushes, but to suffice for my height problems i plant on useing the LST(Less Stress Training) method for growing, this should do fairly well in such a "low" grow box so i was told. anyone else think it could work?


Well-Known Member
how bout a really cool experiment: kinda like an ebb flow system but fill the tub with clay balls and put a leak proof cover on it than cut 1\2" holes for plants to go in, mount it on the wall feed water in through the top so it runs down, out the bottom, back to a reservoir, light on opposite wall , grow horizontally and maybe some string from the ceiling to hold the plants up as they grow.:hump: WOW maybe im a lil high but it sounds doable :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I have no experience using CFLs so won't comment on that but your idea to get a short strain and use LST seems sound to me. Give it a try! Worse thing is you'll learn a bunch of stuff and the best outcome - well we both know what the best outcome is :leaf:

Regarding ventilation in that small of a box - you'd need only a single exhaust fan and just some holes for intake. A 60 CFM fan would be able to completely exhaust your box three times a minute (square footage of box times three).

I would add that regular strains will outgrow their surroundings.


Well-Known Member
I think your on the right path with the space you have to work with that other post is just one of the things that comes from a stoned mind.:joint:
Hey everyone i was just looking for some help with a grow box im starting. its 1 1/2 feet tall and 5 feet wide and like 2 1/2 wide. i only plan on growing like 2 or 3 plants not to many and i was wonder if 1 intake and 1 outake fan would be good enough to support them since its not such a big box. also i have 2 75 watt 1,500 lumens each flourecent tube fixtures and i was wondering if i needed more lumens to grow? :S i do plan on getting 4 26 watt cfls when i begin flowerings. but are these good for now?


Active Member
{I have no experience using CFLs so won't comment on that but your idea to get a short strain and use LST seems sound to me. Give it a try! Worse thing is you'll learn a bunch of stuff and the best outcome - well we both know what the best outcome is :leaf:

Regarding ventilation in that small of a box - you'd need only a single exhaust fan and just some holes for intake. A 60 CFM fan would be able to completely exhaust your box three times a minute (square footage of box times three).

I would add that regular strains will outgrow their surroundings.}

Thanks for the help :) regarding my strain i have no idea what strain the seeds are i just know i got them out of some super dank buds. hopefully even if it is a larger growing strain..shouldnt the LST method make it doable in my space? also with the CFL's they could grow right up to the light and use the full amount of space right? idk hopefully it works out :(


Well-Known Member
I'd hate to be to one to tell you but weed is like a fuckin Red Oscar it definetly will outgrow that. You should hope it does. I'd turn that 5 foot wide box and turn it on it's side . You'll only have enough room to root clones in there man. You gotta leave room for pots and lights and you say you onlt have 18 inches in height to work with right.