Help with heat issues


Well-Known Member
Yeah some do look ugly for awhile.. Beats loosing a keeper though by far ;) oh & I am reverting the BH becuase it looks to be a really good pheno and I have BIG plans for that cross ;)
it would freak me out at this stage! :-) experience makes one braver! from what i've read, the plants really look ugly for a while...i had a hard time trying uncle ben's technique for topping just because of the unknown. why are you reverting the brush hog you've got going?


Well-Known Member
Well I can understand that.. Just saying though.. If you wanted to keep a strain that you have been flowering & dont have anymore seeds of its an option.. Here is also a Power Pie I had flowered all the way out, saved a few small popcorn buds on it, then back in re veg she went.. ;) Power Pie re vegging --> View attachment 3142298 View attachment 3142299 View attachment 3142300
i sooooo wish i would have had the stones (figuratively speaking, of course) :lol: to do that with the unknown i have just ran out of!!! it has to be on my top five of what i've smoked as far as working for me. great pics--it encourages me to try this on a girl!


Active Member
The walls are not sealed in my grow. My 440 cfm fan creates negative pressure and air comes in through the side walls and floor. Was going to add fresh air intake, but I actually think adding more fresh air from a warm garage will be worse until fall.
To answer others questions, I harvested 3 of my plants at 6 weeks of flowering to prevent spreading of pollen. It was too late though and everything was affected. The other three plants I harvested at 9 weeks and some hermie on some buds and nothing on others. Trichs were all cloudy but no Amber, and made a decision to harvest last three. Smoke on first three tasted bad because I didn't get to flush the and they were early, but it still gave a decent high. Current plants smell great. Still in drying and curing phase. Love the white widow high.
Now with heat issue it is delaying next group of plants. Got 6 ready to add. My 5" thc bomb clones are 19" and they haven't been in hid lights yet. Under reef sun lamp in closet and smelling up extra room.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya.. Well just remember. You can always take a small clone off one of your bottom branches if you havent lollipoped yet & clone it in flowering. It will root. Then just simply stick the little guy back into veg. BAM! You have that strain again, & again.. ;)
i sooooo wish i would have had the stones (figuratively speaking, of course) :lol: to do that with the unknown i have just ran out of!!! it has to be on my top five of what i've smoked as far as working for me. great pics--it encourages me to try this on a girl!


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear.. I hope it works out 4 you better in your future grows ;) just dont let this 1 time discourage you..
The walls are not sealed in my grow. My 440 cfm fan creates negative pressure and air comes in through the side walls and floor. Was going to add fresh air intake, but I actually think adding more fresh air from a warm garage will be worse until fall.
To answer others questions, I harvested 3 of my plants at 6 weeks of flowering to prevent spreading of pollen. It was too late though and everything was affected. The other three plants I harvested at 9 weeks and some hermie on some buds and nothing on others. Trichs were all cloudy but no Amber, and made a decision to harvest last three. Smoke on first three tasted bad because I didn't get to flush the and they were early, but it still gave a decent high. Current plants smell great. Still in drying and curing phase. Love the white widow high.
Now with heat issue it is delaying next group of plants. Got 6 ready to add. My 5" thc bomb clones are 19" and they haven't been in hid lights yet. Under reef sun lamp in closet and smelling up extra room.


Active Member
peaceman12 hermies, huh? did you end up growing them out for the smoke? what was it like? which breeder for your WW? the THC bomb sounds interesting 8)
The Thc bomb grew very different. Smaller and more like a thin bush. It was harder to figure our the amount on those plants because the branches were very close. Very strong bud. Hard high great for insomnia. Not great if you trying to get business done lol