Help with hermie


Active Member
So I had sensi seed female seeds and also some shit seeds a friend gave me an I stupidly put a few extra plants in with my own . Last week I noticed they looked like males so quickly threw them out but not sure if I did it in time as I've found a few balls on my females . They still have bud growin and I've just removed the few balls I found. I am just wondering now what to expect ? Will I keep finding balls poping up and not get as much bud out of my females ? image.jpgFirst pic is the male , is this a full blown male or hermie ?
image.jpg image.jpg Second picture is a ball I found on my female which I removed


Well-Known Member
the top 2 just look like males and that last just keep an eye on her...keep plucking you may get lucky and that may be the last one you see..I have ran a couple strains now that once removed never came back..


Well-Known Member
You can get some nice buds if you keep pulling off the balls. You could also use the plant for bubble hash.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for your info, I shall be keeping a close eye on them to remove any balls ASAP and fingers crossed I get something decent bud wise. One things for sure I've learnt a valuable lesson don't ever take anything off anyone as you don't know what it could be. I could of lost my whole crop over a few free seeds lol! I'll be sticking with buying my own seeds in future


Well-Known Member
I grow a strain called the dog that is some of the best bud I ever smoked. This strain throws balls sometimes when grown from seed but once clone it never happens again. There are a couple other very good strains that also do it. Check it out, there's lots about the dog on here.