Help with ID twisted new growth


Hello what could possibly be reason of new growth to have twisted newgrown leafs like this.

It's Royal Dwarf automatic, I use soil and temps are around 82f. I use HPS. I'm still not feeding them with anything.



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If you're using heavy amended/enriched soil, its probably just a little nutrient twist. It will grow out of it in the next couple weeks when the nutrient levels in the soil become a little more depleted.
Get your humidity up to at least %50. %60 is best for veg. Looks like your leaves are transpiring so fast they can't hold any moisture.
at 82F u need around 68%rh these plants are big enough to feed. things look a little dry homie
OK I'm gonna check soil ph and try to flush it with 7.0 ph, gonna try to put my lights bit more up. I'm not sure how I'm gonna wet up the place homie, should have some humidifier I guess ...

@Grower1974 Yeah I use yellow Florabella which has some nutrients.

Don't know what else to do, I checked for parasites but nothing ... I mean pests ... also gonna buy some spray for just in case.
you can start by watering the plants and setting a pot of water in the area with them it will help
Easy diy humidifier until you buy one. I do this if one breaks and the spare is screwed.

Be sure to change the towel and water out every few days, and wash the bucket. Point a fan at the towel.

Post #10. Not sure if the link brings you right to it