Help with identifying why me steams are turning purple please


Hi all.
I am new in growing and I’m having some issues with my plants.
I have been using Mills and gavita 1930e. Plants are day 26 but for some reason they are turning purple and leaves are discoloring.
Any advice greatly appreciated


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Seeing potassium deficiency down low. Tell us more details including medium and feeding routine.
Strain is lava cake
Every other day I feed them on medium schedule of Mills.
First 3 weeks of flower I used 2 mil per g of Calmag but I just stopped 2 feedings ago.
Ppms are 1520
Ph 6.1-6.2
I did a runoff and ppms are 1780 with ph level at 5.5
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Well-Known Member
Strain is lava cake
Every other day I feed them on medium schedule of Mills.
First 3 weeks of flower I used 2 mil per g of Calmag but I just stopped 2 feedings ago.
Ppms are 1520
Ph 6.1-6.2
I did a runoff and ppms are 1780 with ph level at 5.5
Is this in coco?


Well-Known Member
I give them 18 mil of A (mills) per gallon
18 mil of B (mills)per gallon
8 mill of C4 (mills) per gallon
I use the 60 gallons drums
They are on 15 gallons hard pots
15 gallon containers should easily accept 3-4 gallons of feed at a time. Anything less is too little.


I do give them 4.6-5.0 g per pot.
Take a look at the pic I just posted. That was today after I feed on Tuesday.
Hotrodharley also my temp are at 80 with humidity at 58.
I was told to keep it at this specs because I am running 1930 led. Is that accurate?


Well-Known Member
I do give them 4.6-5.0 g per pot.
Take a look at the pic I just posted. That was today after I feed on Tuesday.
Way overfed and your runoff shows it. Stick to just water for a week, clean up the lower and consider thinning. Including buds.